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Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have
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TOPIC: Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have

Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago

Make them accountable to the people who pay their wages. At the moment the system is broken. They think they are in charge when in fact they WORK FOR US.
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Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
BR wrote:

Make them accountable to the people who pay their wages. At the moment the system is broken. They think they are in charge when in fact they WORK FOR US.

Change the record mister

The UK police force is still the envy of the world

Take your twisted venom out on the criminals for once.
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Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
you're right Mike that we do (overall) have a good police force.

but there are flagrant abuses.

2 friends of mine(a couple) were taking photos in a London park a few months back- it was a sunny day and the park was beautiful.

A couple of people compained that they were photographing children.... eh???

The police were called and, altho no allegations were made and no charges brought (as they had done nothing wrong), the police ejected them from the park. They said it was because they were 2 men without children taking photos in a park. Since when has that been a crime??

They have been through the complaints procedure but have had nothing but scorn from the police, who have told them that the incident will remain on file for an indeterminate period. As one of my friends works in education this is potentially a big problem, as this 'non crime' will show up on any enhanced criminal records check and block him from any future job with children.

The police acknowledge no crime was committed, but as a 'complaint' was made they will keep it on file.

Things like this make me very suspect of the Police's motives.
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Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
You've obviously not been subject to their attention mike,if you had perhaps you'd realize just how bad they can be.
I may not agree with BR,but the fact that the police are out of control,and no longer accountable to the public is quite clear.
We need a competent police force to protect us,how we achieve that is of course open to debate.
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Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
I think in reality that Britain is largely the envy of the world for most things (except weather) and that the notion of a perfect police force has been a bit of a myth. Those on the beat used to be great but there were appalling cases of corrupt detectives who got away with all sorts of things.

I think they have got worse but with experience now with 2 police forces-English and NSW...NSW has one of the very best almost free of corruption but -they were cleaned up by a top British cop who got run out of town for his troubles. !

The PIC is a disappointment..the local state version here is hugely successful with most complaints actually coming from other coppers dobbing in bent mates.
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Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
Sorry Mike - I am 100% right with knobs on. In fact it is even worse than I post.

Our police are out of control all over the UK with silly schemes earning £100,000 for just sitting in cars eating sandwiches and often taking a MONTH of leave at a time hence the shortage of officers to tackle crime.

I look at the suicides of people whom the Police wont protect. I also look at the massive number of deaths caused by Police driving and the growing number of deaths due to CO19.

The story of "envy" of the World was in the 60s when our Police were unarmed compared to the rest of the World. Those days are long gone.

We need to clean out the corruption in the Police and Justice system - and the only way to do that is to follow this excellent plan and hope it works.

Why do you think that most people who have had any contact with the Police as a service say we live in a Police State now......?

I feel very strongly about this.

Just to finish - my sister had a breakdown last week because her husband and her split up. Whilst talking to her doctor she said she felt like killing him......the doctor rang the police bizarrely and told them and they arrested her and dumped her in a cell for a day and have bailed her. She has never hurt anyone in her life - she is a lovely church going person and is just very upset that her marriage has broken down. She is not a criminal and has never done anything........the same Police refused to even come out to answer my parents phone calls for TWO YEARS when their house which was next to a park was attacked on an almost nightly basis ( they are in the their 70s and have lived all their life in peace where they live )

That is just ONE example from this week which shows the basic unfairness and crap that the general public get from the Police. Criminals are not dealt with at all and innocent people are harassed.

The Police also harass CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS - they are also racist in my experience. I know some Police and they have parties where their entertainment is "mimicking" Indians and Muslims because they hate them so much.

So please dont tell me that our Police are the envy of the world. I am sure there are some good police out there - I have a met a couple - but the system and the general attitude is wrong.
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In The Know

Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
BR wrote:

Make them accountable to the people who pay their wages. At the moment the system is broken. They think they are in charge when in fact they WORK FOR US.

"It's about time that the police realised that they are public servants, not public masters" - Nick Heywood, Chairman of the (totally ineffective) Independent Police Complaints Commission
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In The Know

Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
mikemacca wrote:
BR wrote:

Make them accountable to the people who pay their wages. At the moment the system is broken. They think they are in charge when in fact they WORK FOR US.

Change the record mister

The UK police force is still the envy of the world

Take your twisted venom out on the criminals for once.

Let ask Jean Charles Menenzies shall we ?

Oh ... we can't can we - they killed him !
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Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:

Let ask Jean Charles Menenzies shall we ?

Oh ... we can't can we - they killed him !

This was the day after dozens of people were killed in train stations in London and as far as everyone knew, the murders were still at large, preparing to strike again. Tragic mistake.

Now let's get to some statistics:

Civilians death at the hands of the police ?

Less than Norway
Less than Switzerland
Less than anywhere in Europe

You must be taking English lessons from BR as you make the same spelling mistakes as him.
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Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 6 Months ago  
mikemacca wrote:
In The Know wrote:

Let ask Jean Charles Menenzies shall we ?

Oh ... we can't can we - they killed him !

This was the day after dozens of people were killed in train stations in London and as far as everyone knew, the murders were still at large, preparing to strike again. Tragic mistake.

Now let's get to some statistics:

Civilians death at the hands of the police ?

Less than Norway
Less than Switzerland
Less than anywhere in Europe

You must be taking English lessons from BR as you make the same spelling mistakes as him.

So what was there excuse at the G20?
Admittedly it's not the killings,but the whole policy of them being beyond the law.
As I said before had you have had dealings with them yourself you really would get a different idea.
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In The Know

Re:Fantastic Idea to change the rubbish police we have 14 Years, 6 Months ago  
mikemacca wrote:
In The Know wrote:

Let ask Jean Charles Menenzies shall we ?

Oh ... we can't can we - they killed him !

This was the day after dozens of people were killed in train stations in London and as far as everyone knew, the murders were still at large, preparing to strike again. Tragic mistake.

Now let's get to some statistics:

Civilians death at the hands of the police ?

Less than Norway
Less than Switzerland
Less than anywhere in Europe

You must be taking English lessons from BR as you make the same spelling mistakes as him.

So we should be grateful should we that they have killed LESS people ???!!!

There are LESS people in both Norway and Switzerland than in the UK in case you hadn't realised !
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