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STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen
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TOPIC: STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen

Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
I happen to think real life is more exciting if you keep your eyes open and participate.

Most people put their head down and get beaten down by the system/ Then they think anything that is not fed to them by the media is wacky or untrue or just plain crazy.

This is how our society has been dumbed down to a major extent over the last 30 years.

The internet is challenging this - and luckily there are many people who dont go along with the brainwashing our current governments are doing to their populations.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
david wrote:
these people need to realise that sometimes reality is more boring than conspiracies and aliens, which is why they love this kind of story, cos it's exciting (ish)

I have a personal interest (and slight knowledge of more than was released) in a recent big news story. There were many conspiracy theories etc that have come out of the story which have been total bunkum. In fact part of the story (I don't really want to say which one because of confidences) involves a conspiracy to a family background, which when I was asked about I shot down in two sentences, and the theorist was happy, or seemed to be. We can make conspiracy theories out of anything, but much is totally untrue.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
I am not a conspiracy theorist - i totally rely on evidence. For instance I believe JK was shot by a nutter - but I dont believe Diana was an innocent death - I believe there are huge questionmarks over Tower 7 and the Pentagon attacks on 9.11 - I believe WMDs did not exist.

Most big conspiracy theories prove to be true ( WMD being the one at the moment which is really gripping the nation ) everyone including the UN said WMD did not exist.

There are loads of people who would love to think everything is a conspiracy - having worked in Government I know that most Conspiracy Theories are untrue !!! but we are facing something major.

The YEMEN situation is bizarre ( as was the iraq war - blair/bush KNEW there were no WMDs )

The STARGATE theory is not new - in fact Von Danikan has shown that there is probably more evidence for this than the LIFE of JESUS !!

I do suggest that people start looking into these things.

I have no evidence for little green men or anything like that I might add - and i remain highly sceptical of abductees stories and stuff like that.

But there is massive evidence that STARGATES existed once on this planet - and that people came through them......and maybe even UFOs.

We have good evidence that UFOs are not flying around space very often - otherwise people with telescopes would have picked them up.....however, UFOs have been seen in the Earth;s atmosphere......this again shows STARGATES/WORMHOLES would be the most likely method of any sort of space or time travel in the universe.

So what do people think - quantum physics is theoretical but I think highly likely and so do people like Steven Hawking etc
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
Can we make that JFK please BR?
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Can we make that JFK please BR?

Oops - absolutely - sorry Mr President I mean......
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
BR wrote:
I am not a conspiracy theorist - i totally rely on evidence.

no you don't- you rely on Daily Mail articles, amateur videos and David Icke.

that's not what I'd call evidence.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
BR have you read any Richard C Hoagland stuff? - I really enjoy his stuff and the recent Dark Mission - Secret History of NASA book is superb. The theories to what is on the Moon and Mars are also interesting.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
I posted 99,000 articles in support of this research ( Look above for the thread )

What would say is professional research ? University Of East Anglia ?

I have research degrees - so I can assure you when I post something there is something TRUE behind what I am saying.

I was the ONLY person on here questioning Global Warming when the daily mail and the BBC were saying 99% of scientists agreed that the planet was warming because of C02.

Yet now at the end of 2009 that theory has been proved to be based on CORRUPT and FALSE data.

How did I manage to know that >? By digging deeper and looking for data that was not based on the same research.

Much of what we are fed in the press is based on the same "View" or "data sets" - we accept it as truth because the secondary findings are bound to back up these findings if the base data sets are wrong.

Real researchers like myself dont believe the Daily Mail or The time or the Guardian - we dig around stories to try and see if there is different research based on other primary results.

Often Governments tell us things in order to tax us or to cover things up.

I can assure you that the STARGATE theory can be proved to be a possibility for YEMEN. Not only does it agree with the ideas of some wacky new age researchers - it actually is founded in ancient history - even the old testament. I suggest you look at the Pyramid theories - the Nazca lines - the von danikan research ( Chariots of the Gods and other books which is real research that opens up this subject and their is a museum in central europe devoted to this )

In addition I suggest you read some books on Quantum Physics and look at the research from the Hadron Collider that has been published to show what they are trying to achieve.

There is a possibility that the opening of these STARGATES is due to our science developing so that WE CAN CREATE our own STARGATES and those with the technology are coming back to RUBBER NECK what is going on - on our planet. It would make total sense.

I have no idea what civilisations operate or are behind STARGATES - no idea at all. They may not even be aliens but time travellers from Earth's future. Flat earthers will always want to believe only what they can see or touch......but the reality of life and the Universe is far beyond anything that can be bound by time or vision or touch. We can't even see air but we believe it exists for instance.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen STOP PRESS 14 Years, 4 Months ago  

This is an interview about PROJECT STARGATE with someone who is whistleblowing about what is happening.

Someone asked why no one had broken the silence.

Well they have TODAY on You Tube.

I have not yet listened to the interview - so it is as new to you as to me.

This is HOT news - just got the link a minute ago.

Be interesting to see what this WHISTLEBLOWER has to say to illuminate what is happening in the GULF OF ADEN.

Something is kicking off over there - and this is the most likely reason. Keep your eyes on the media and use the knowledge you get from this thread to test what is being said "officially" You will soon see that the official stories dont add up - and that this is no conspiracy theory.

At some point a journalist will break this story somewhere in the world ( Like the swine flu vaccine con story - Jane Burgermiester or the Global Warming Data Scandal ) It is only a matter of time - even though they will need a thick skin because even many in Government are not aware of what the REAL story is about IRAQ and these flipping STARGATES.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
steveimp wrote:
BR have you read any Richard C Hoagland stuff? - I really enjoy his stuff and the recent Dark Mission - Secret History of NASA book is superb. The theories to what is on the Moon and Mars are also interesting.

Thanks for reminding me - I have read a few interviews with him and find his NASA stuff very very interesting. There are several others who have made similar claims.

Though I think he is making good points his theories for me ( an evidence based historian ) need some supporting evidence - though the McKinnon case seems to prove how jumpy the USA are about anyone getting access to NASA the case is building in favour of what Hoagland is saying.

With the YEMEN STARGATE theory - it is truly plausible because you can find evidence from the past and present to show that STARGATES have or could happen. The circumstantial evidence about YEMEN is very compelling. Iraq as well.....the way Islam and Christians are being set up to dislike each other ( which happened in 13th century when guess what - the TEMPLARS discovered the Ark of the Covenant - Holy Grail....which many believe was alien technology which the bible refers to being given to the Israelites ).........

History of the World is full of stories like this of visitations. Yet the leaders of the human race will not allow debate and dismiss such things as crazy. The idea of looking through a telescope for life is ridiculous - especially if ancient history is telling us the truth - the aliens ? were here - probably are still here - and for the majority of us we are just not spotting them ! Though it gets easier once you know what you are looking for
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
stick with your sheeple chat room buddies and as Dr bill deagle says you need to be quiet!!
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
Dont understand that comment ? Have never been in a chat room in my life - are you applying that to the "whistleblower" ?

I have watched the video now. The guy looks scared - he is 31 years old and ex Military- including special ( Black ) operations.

He uses a blend of real sources and research to tell his view about the situation. This makes it hard to understand which is which in his interview. But he is convinced from sources who are there that it is a STARGATE. He is also convinced that it could lead to a War this year - in Yemen or about Yemen ( or in my view Iran via Yemen )

A full interview with names is supposedly coming - which is quite normal for these sorts of sites because they need traffic to fund their research - ideas - project. They do a taster - and then once the attention is got they do the main course.

I find his story very compelling. What has he got to gain by telling it - except an early death ?
If he is lying then what is in it for him ? fame ? dont think so - as others have pointed out he is hardly going to set up a career from this - except maybe in wacky conference speaking.

Therefore, I would say stick with this interview - he is not a great speaker and repeats himself and gets sidetracked quite easily - but it is interesting stuff and opens up some of the information about this STARGATE. His sources say it is real. That is the main message.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
I'm confused. What has an interview with a member of the Backstreet Boys have to do with stargates?
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
Angel wrote:
I'm confused. What has an interview with a member of the Backstreet Boys have to do with stargates?

LOL nice one.

Many in the military seem to have that sort of look in the USA......

Have been looking for updates on this story - but I have seen nothing since this video was posted on the has all gone very quiet.

There is a 2,350 page discussion on called "Stargates are real" which I may look at next week.......

Anyone else notice anything in the news today etc that is about Yemen etc ?

It almost seems since this thread started and pointed this out the Government has stopped talking about Yemen......fishy or what ? suspicious - they know WE are watching them here at King of hits.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
CNN still talk about Yemen, but not much.

I've never heard any mainstream media talk about it in regard to stargates, or even swirls of water.
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Re:STARGATE - latest 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
The STARGATE issue is not discussed in the media because it is banned by the looks of it.

Today this INTERVIEW has appeared on PC site with JORDAN MAXWELL - it is about the STARGATE in IRAQ and what it means. If you want to know more then this interview is ESSENTIAL reading. It is heavy going in places but perservere and it will make sense to you and probably after reading it you will finally understand what this STARGATE issue is all about.

Jordan Maxwell is the man who ZEIGEIST is based on and the man who DAN BROWN's films is based on - he is a very strange man - a prophet for our times - he has inspired DAVID ICKE and others - but has never become famous himself.......

Read the interview and realise that it is probably true - what he is saying is true. Though, I believe that the human race can be saved. In fact JK has in a round about way suggested the same thing as Jordan Maxwell- which sort of shows that for me JK is actually in tune with the Universe and God ( JM hates organised religion )

So this is the latest in this STARGATE story.......

Still no sign of anything in the media.........about Yemen.....very strange.
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Emma Bee

Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
Dear BR, I looked in the google news search and found various reports on Yemen from, among others, BBC, The Scotsman, Reuters, Global Arab Network and USA Today. Maybe you mean the TV news bulletins. Perhaps those focus more on domestic news. I'm sure Yemen must be covered on the 24hr news channels.
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Re:STARGATE in Gulf of Aden next to Yemen 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
Thanks Emma - I will check them out.
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