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TOPIC: Vile Pervert
Vile Pervert 14 Years, 3 Months ago  
Well it's 1.50am and I've just finished watching Vile Pevert The Musical...taking a break halfway through for cheese on toast with Worcester sauce and a cup of tea.

My apologies to JK for not getting round to watching this until now. It's marvellous. Thoroughly entertaining as I knew it would be, without one ounce of self pitying pretenciousness (if there is such a word). It was wonderfully camp, quirky and incredibly funny in parts. The Judge (A Peel) finally being 'rubbed off by the Grim Reaper' neary had me falling off my chair.

Very enlightening too. There was much I didn't know surrounding the case, such as the blue door, and the date changes, facts which leave one open mouthed.

This could have been atrocious of course, dripping with sentimentality and nostalgia for the old days, but JK doesn't inflict that upon the viewer.

What we get is a very honest, frank and hilarious account of his experiences since 2001.

Thanks JK. And I'm not in the least bit tired despite the time. I feel strangely invigorated and optimistic.
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Re:Vile Pervert 14 Years, 3 Months ago  
Thank you FC. It's hard for me to judge it objectively but my old friend last night - who used to be an actor - praised my thespian efforts highly. It does appear to keep going up the views/downloads list and more and more people say they find it "inspiring" which is very nice.
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