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Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video
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TOPIC: Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video

Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  

The most disturbing bit is at the end when one of the crowd witnessing it shouts 'f****** wankers' out of frustration and immediately gets 'nicked'.
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
That is shocking. You will get "nicked" if you swear at a copper. That is unacceptable in every respect Blaclit.
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
Abhorrent behaviour.

Has this been shown on any TV news yet?
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In The Know

Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
Blackit wrote:
one of the crowd witnessing it shouts 'f****** wankers ......... immediately gets 'nicked'.

Public order offence no doubt ?

As the logo says Trent FM I assume this is Notts Constabulary ? Quite notorious - and their record is appalling.
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
Angel wrote:
That is shocking. You will get "nicked" if you swear at a copper. That is unacceptable in every respect Blaclit.

So you think that it ok to be abusive to people with no consequences. The guy been arrested on the floor had the option to come quietly and refused, therefore the coppers had no choice to use reasonable force to arrest him. Have you any idea how much of a waste or police resources it is to have 4 or 5 coppers arresting 1 person. There wasn't excessive force used, they weren't kicking him and the guy punching him very lightly will no doubt get disciplined. I doubt whether the guy been arrested was because he forgot to pay his tv licence.
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
I think this is a clip from last year and that it did make it to the press.

It still should be shown over and over again tho, as it is truly shocking.
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
Context on these videos is important.

However, it is noticable that you cant speak out against the Police in any way without them reacting in a threatening and violent manner towards you. They always react in a threatening way.

I questioned a PCSO about why they did not patrol my street at night when crime might happen instead of the day - she looked nice but she then proceeded to come out with loads of threatening language and "police-speak" towards me - so much that I decided to withdraw and leave the scene immediately.

If you cant even make suggestions in a friendly way to the Police without them trying to create a confrontation then what hope have the public got ?

The photographer was very reasonable in the other video - yet was THROWN down CONCRETE STEPS by a group of "Thug" police.

Sorry - there is not any excuse for excessive force and threatening behaviour. Our POLICE are public servants and should remember who pays their wages. With the 40% cut that is coming they WILL remember that when signing on.
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
robbiex wrote:
Angel wrote:
That is shocking. You will get "nicked" if you swear at a copper. That is unacceptable in every respect Blaclit.

So you think that it ok to be abusive to people with no consequences. The guy been arrested on the floor had the option to come quietly and refused, therefore the coppers had no choice to use reasonable force to arrest him. Have you any idea how much of a waste or police resources it is to have 4 or 5 coppers arresting 1 person. There wasn't excessive force used, they weren't kicking him and the guy punching him very lightly will no doubt get disciplined. I doubt whether the guy been arrested was because he forgot to pay his tv licence.

Swearing at anyone is unacceptable Robbiex and if its a copper your'e goinng to get collared. I hope that clears things up for you.
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
Hi All,

Haven't read the whole thread yet so apologies if I'm duplicating.

The police are empowered to nick anyone who swears (though there will be borderline cases of swearing) because it is deemed a breach of Public Order Act 1986 sections 4 or 5, if memory serves. These create the offence of "causing harassment, alarm, or a member of the public". There is the material question of whether any actual alarm or distress occurred, and for some members of the public it may not do. The police, however, are unanimous in being hypersensitive. If they claim to be alarmed or distressed as officers of the court then the court will accept that, as I understand it. (I have no legal training).

So, for example, at an anti-fascist protest a young man was arrested for chanting "Pigs and fascists share a flag, we march under none". He was advised to accept a fine. "Pigs", I guess, caused alarm or distress. That's how it goes; and it's routine.

I also happen to think it's outrageous on a number of levels but that's just how it works.

BTW: There's also the case of the guy who got threatened under the Public Order Act for putting a poster with the word "Wanker" in his window, alongside a picture of David Cameron. Did we not get that posted here? There was a full expose in the Guardian.

Best Wishes,
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In The Know

Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
BR wrote:

I questioned a PCSO about why they did not patrol my street at night when crime might happen instead of the day - she looked nice but she then proceeded to come out with loads of threatening language and "police-speak" towards me - so much that I decided to withdraw and leave the scene immediately.

I suggest you write to the Chairman of your local Police Association (the details are normally on the local constabulary website).

I did this and my mail was forwarded to the Dep Chief Constable - within days I had an Inspector dealing with my query.

They don't like scrutiny (and if they feel they are being watched "from above" will respond very positively !)
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
In the Know.

I have a file of apologies from the Police already - and many times they apologised to me without me even complaining when they realised the error of their ways.

PCSOs are not trained - therefore I dont believe I can hold them to the high standards I expect from the Police themselves. My answer is since then I have been lobbying my local press and campaigning to SCRAP PCSOS as part of the CUTS.

I believe that is the answer. Simple - effective and saves the money this country cant afford.

I would prefer that than losing real Detectives and Beat Bobbies or NHS or Education.
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Re:Out of control on the streets of London - new police brutality video 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
robbiex wrote:
Angel wrote:
That is shocking. You will get "nicked" if you swear at a copper. That is unacceptable in every respect Blaclit.

So you think that it ok to be abusive to people with no consequences. The guy been arrested on the floor had the option to come quietly and refused, therefore the coppers had no choice to use reasonable force to arrest him. Have you any idea how much of a waste or police resources it is to have 4 or 5 coppers arresting 1 person. There wasn't excessive force used, they weren't kicking him and the guy punching him very lightly will no doubt get disciplined. I doubt whether the guy been arrested was because he forgot to pay his tv licence.

It would appear he was drunk but the punching was excessive and unnessary.

Was it the crowd yelling 'taser taser'?

what has happened to Britain?..yobs everywhere (says an old fogey)
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