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Prison : Ken Clarke gets it right and saves money
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TOPIC: Prison : Ken Clarke gets it right and saves money

Prison : Ken Clarke gets it right and saves money 13 Years, 11 Months ago

This is an area of great waste - not just in money but in human life.

I applaud the moves to get rid of sentences under 12 months. They are pointless and lead to Universities of Crime - where potential career criminals can "network".......seriously that is what happens !!

What is needed is ONLY serious crime offences to lead to prison and then sentences should be at the lower end - less than 3 years is enough - it is enough for a degree so it should be enough to change the behaviour and teach the lesson to most people. Obviously Murder and Violent Rape need to have the current life sentences of 15 years.

In addition make the sentence cuts dependent on good behaviour in prison - so those who do well get out quickly and back into society but those who cause problems remain behind bars. That is only fair.

Our prisons should be a last resort. In 100 years they may not even exist because no one has proved yet that they work as either a deterrent or rehab place. I realise for people who went to boarding schools and Uni they may prove quite cushy - and for those who have had no discipline at home they may provide a finishing school. But Prison should be Prison ! and for those who have done the worst offences.

We need to get all the petty crooks and perverts OUT of prison and encourage them to re-build their lives. For those who are mentally ill we need to increase Care in the Community so they dont re-offend.

At the moment the JUDGES - LAWYERS and POLICE are like PARASITES on the back of the most vulnerable people in society. Yes there are some BAD PEOPLE out there - but they are in a small minority thank goodness. We need the POLICE to protect us against them - not to chase Priests and Teachers and Carers and Drivers - the soft targets......when was the last time a TEACHER went on a killing rampage or frightened people in their own homes ? - name me a PRIEST who has been out knifing and shooting in the evenings ? when was the last time a carer did a massive financial fraud or went on a raping spree ?

Sorry the POLICE have manipulated FALSE ALLEGATIONS into an INDUSTRY against ordinary innocent people. They now need to stop and concentrate on real crime again. That will be very frightening for some of them - because they are JOBSWORTHS who just want an easy life.
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