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STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago

WIKILEAKS founder and man who leaked all that information that embarassed the UK and USA Governments a few weeks ago......



I have said it before and I will repeat for the millionth time. The JUSTICE systems are a COVER against the TRUTH.

These allegations are the allegations of choice for the NWO ELITE. They accuse people of Sex Offences because they believe they have made the system need NO PROOF.

The only thing they need is for someone to prove they KNOW someone. You may have never properly even met the person or spoken to them.

TRULY THE MOST SHOCKING ARREST THIS YEAR - more shocking than even my own because this guy has done an amazing job.
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Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
and more stunning now....

The WARRANT has been cancelled !!!!!!

Something very fishy about all of this.

The World has gone mad.

Make an accusation then overturn it in less than 24 hours.

False Allegations are getting crazier !!!
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Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
Rape,the new tool of government oppression...just look at Malaysia.
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Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
Today he has made a statement blaming the Pentagon.

In addition the mail is describing Tony Blair's new book as a "Love Letter to Bush" which is quite weird.

looks as if all the strands of what people have been writing and thinking in the last 10 years are now coming out into the open.

The general public are awaking to the way in which the governments have lied to us down the years and how they have manipulated the news agenda for their own purposes.

The tabloids have been created in order to dumb down the masses and the news agenda of even the quality press has been made to follow the usual stories.

if you go back 40 years and read some newspapers from that time - you will see that in general they all covered different stories and had their own "voice". they were not dictated to by spin doctors and did not all follow a politically correct agenda.

Today we have seen our press become propaganda rather than news.

This is why the Wikileaks founder found himself within an hour on Saturday morning reported as a rapist around the World without any evidence or substantiation or even knowledge of it himself. the governments who run the world decide what is news and literally "create" it and then fill in the gaps.

People are likely to be arrested on the flimsiest of evidence and then once arrested the character assassination starts and more will be added by those who are "paid off" to allege things.

This is the way the Nazis used to destroy their enemies. It is textbook fascism and goes right the way back to the Roman Empire and the way they treated their enemies. Hitler and his henchmen studied the Roman Empire and based the Reich on it - hence the Romanic banners etc.

Since 1991 and Bush's New World Order speech we have seen the "allies" of the USA - UK - Australia and to a lesser extent Italy and Germany join together in a quest for a new reich and world domination under their banks and multi-corporates. Companies like SKY who beam sport into nearly every home in the developed World have been based out of these countries and funded via the space programme of the USA to develop propaganda tools that the Nazis could only dream about.

As we have "slept" and been force fed Premier League football ( which is based on money - hence the fact Chelsea are at the top again and eventually Man City will join them ) these politicians have carved up the world using the excuse of terrorism in the last 10 years after faking a terror attack on the Twin Towers. If you want to see an example of a Stone Core tall building get over to London bridge and look at the SHARD which has the central tower clearly visible right now as it is being built. You can see how strong these buildings are built. They would not just crash to the ground into a cloud of dust within an hour if they were hit by a plane - they would have had some part of the core still standing - just think about all the other tall building in the World. Not one has ever crashed down like that in history - despite serious fires with higher temperatures which have sometimes burned for days on end.

With massive inflation about to hit the World we could see the markets collapse again by Christmas and the whole economy and money be devalued. If you are a millionaire ( paper money ) now then if inflation gets a hold then you could see your wealth devalued into thousands of pounds. I would diversify assets if I had any money !!

The future is going to be interesting.....they need a war now......
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Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
Question: How many steel-framed skyscrapers collapsed on 9/11..?

You'd be surprised by how many people answer incorrectly.

The collapse of WTC7 (and the fact that the BBC reported its collapse while it was still standing) is, in my view, the smoking gun that proves something is wrong with the official account of the events of that terrible day.
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In The Know

Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
Plissken wrote:
The collapse of WTC7 (and the fact that the BBC reported its collapse while it was still standing) is, in my view, the smoking gun that proves something is wrong with the official account of the events of that terrible day.

Google .... 9/11 and white van
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Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
There was also a mysterious white van spotted at the 7/7 attacks...
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Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
Are there not white vans on every corner these days?
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Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
I'm getting a white van soon. You can park in the city much easier.
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In The Know

Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS 13 Years, 10 Months ago  
Angel wrote:
Are there not white vans on every corner these days?

Yes - but how many white vans contained people who WERE arrested for the 9/11 attacks, and released later (when their government intervened)?
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Re:STUNNING BREAKING NEWS PART 35 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
OFF - ON - OFF _

and now BACK ON

Seems the USA have applied BIG pressure on Sweden to smear this man. YOu cant have a senior prosecutor one week saying there is no case - and then a couple of weeks later another one saying there is a case.

Shows how JUSTICE = STATE CONTROL of the World - we are not free - we never were. The USA and the NWO rule the world and this is the ultimate proof of story.

Smearing was not enough - they need a "case"
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