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TOPIC: Coldest August for 17 Years !

Coldest August for 17 Years ! 13 Years, 9 Months ago

So how is the University of East Anglia and the Global Warming lobby going to explain this one ?

We also had the coldest winter for nearly 30 years and more snow and ice as well.

If Global Warming was credible for the UK then it would surely mean that this would not be happening anymore.

I realise that some areas of the World do have warmer years in the last 50 years.

However, weather is notorious for being changeable.

We will only know if there is Global Warming in about 100 years time. My belief is that it does not exist and is a "Man Made" Theory in order to tax us more. Its very nature is suspect and built on suspect science.

This winter will be interesting - another really cold one will surely shut up those people claiming Global Warming.

Funny how every school holiday the weather is rubbish - anyone would think the pollution from the increase in air traffic is creating cloud cover....... but strange no one has looked into that.
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Re:Coldest August for 17 Years ! 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
Isn't this the reason why they are trying not to use the term 'global warming' anymore and prefer 'climate change'? We have had the extremes of floods in Pakistan and drought in Russia
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Re:Coldest August for 17 Years ! 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
But "Climate Change" is always happening. Since when has every day had the same weather or even same year or decade.

Extreme weather events have been happening every decade since time began.

In the UK in the 40s we had the Thames Floods which killed many and in the 50s the Lynton and Lynmouth Floods which again killed quite a few....and so on.

If anything the weather is LESS extreme now. Anyone remember that hurricane hitting Kent and London which the met office failed to warn us about in 1989 ? uprooted half the trees in North London and blew down most scaffolding as well - and the power went out !!

These people keep acting as if a big flood or earthquake is something that has never happened before !

Then they want to tax us to stop it happening - as if us paying money and changing our lightbulbs makes any difference at all !!

I would like to know how much power we now consume in 2010 compared to 1997 when New Labour came into office - we have had 13 years of CLIMATE CHANGE TAX and ADVERTS rammed down our throats - so in theory the amount of power should have gone down by at least 10% since then........

The hypocrisy of it all is that those telling us to spend tax and save power are always cavorting around the globe in JETS which use more power in one journey that I use in my house in lighting in 20 years..........pathetic idiots and I for one am sick and tired of being lectured to by the CLIMATISTAS.

BUT I am all for stopping pollution. I would ban flying and importing goods if we can produce them ourselves to save polluting the planet - which is a much more dangerous thing and is killing off wildlife and the food chain - which in the end would mean we ALL DIE. Yet this obvious problem has not yet been noticed by the politicians because there are not enough people to tax for pollution and they wont tax the airlines because they travel on them all the time.
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