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TOPIC: Another Police story for BR
Another Police story for BR 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
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Re:Another Police story for BR 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
I hate to appear contrary, and God knows I battle against police corruption, laziness and incompetence, but this looks like a genuine case of mistaken identity and it appears the police took all the necessary remedies as soon as possible.
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Re:Another Police story for BR 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
The Police dont listen to people and that is why they make mistakes.

If "your child" was locked up and treated like this by the POLICE I believe all of us would be hopping mad.

Taking his jumper away from him was a bit much and at that age is a cell a suitable place to hold someone ? If he had been "Caught in the act of crime" then perhaps but not when he was only a suspect at that age.

The Justice system does not treat children fairly as well as adults.

This lad is traumatised - not only that he will have no respect for the Police and only fear them from now on. Realising that at any point an innocent person can be taken off the streets and thrown in a cell......and I can speak from personal experience about this - I was falsely imprisoned for 2 months.......and still am fighting to get an explanation of why - and so far I have not been given one except that it is just "one of those things that happens if someone makes an allegation etc etc "

Not good enough.

The Police in the UK are out of control - and I hope they get totally clobbered by the Court when this finally gets to court - the lad deserves THOUSANDS of pounds for the damage it will have done to him. If he had been touched up by a CATHOLIC VICAR he would have got £30,000. So a day like this must be worth at least that - in fact it is far more damaging than any groping Catholic priest.

The Police who made this mistake should be the first to go when the CUTS come in that local station as well !
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In The Know

Re:Another Police story for BR 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
this looks like a genuine case of mistaken identity and it appears the police took all the necessary remedies as soon as possible.

but JK, when you are depriving someone of their liberty making a "mistake" is simply not acceptable.

They should be sure before they make an arrest.

Only when they realise the enormous powers that they have will they begin to act a little more diligently.
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Re:Another Police story for BR 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
I hate to appear contrary, and God knows I battle against police corruption, laziness and incompetence, but this looks like a genuine case of mistaken identity and it appears the police took all the necessary remedies as soon as possible.

sounds like they were incompetant and probably driven by hysteria.

the police are so badly trained today. Hope he sues. He must have been freaked out. Bet he has nightmares in the future.
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