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Thanks Alot ..... now F*** O** !
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TOPIC: Thanks Alot ..... now F*** O** !
In The Know

Thanks Alot ..... now F*** O** ! 13 Years, 6 Months ago  
The Ministry of Defence says the first wave of redundancies in the armed forces will be made in September.

The MoD must make 11,000 job cuts and the RAF is the first service to set out where its share of 2,700 will begin.

Those on operations in Afghanistan in September will be exempt, but troops due back in April could lose their jobs, it has been announced.

above from -
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Re:Thanks Alot ..... now F*** O** ! 13 Years, 6 Months ago  
If I remember correctly you're the one who went around here telling us all how much we needed the Tories in government,and how much we needed to make deep cuts!
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In The Know

Re:Thanks Alot ..... now F*** O** ! 13 Years, 6 Months ago  
Solihull Exile wrote:
If I remember correctly you're the one who went around here telling us all how much we needed the Tories in government,and how much we needed to make deep cuts!

Actually it was a LibDem government that I would have prefered - and, yes, we DO have to make deep cuts.

ANY cuts to military spending is welcome to me - but I doubt those that "signed up" will be quite so happy now !

(Actually the report is very misleading in that it says - para 3 - that those returning in April may be sacked - then later in the article says they won't !)
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Re:Thanks Alot ..... now F*** O** ! 13 Years, 6 Months ago  
Other than keep tabs on current affairs ITK, how else do you spend your time?
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In The Know

Re:Thanks Alot ..... now F*** O** ! 13 Years, 6 Months ago  
Angel wrote:
Other than keep tabs on current affairs ITK, how else do you spend your time?

Lots, angel !

Out walking again yesterday (astonishing that I could walk Bradford Dale in March !), plus reading (ave 3 books a week), gardening, keeping the business ticking over, watching over the family (and trying to stop them spending my money!), historical / geneological research, member of local political party (just been asked - yet again - to stand in May local elections), visiting local police station (as custody visitor), planning weekend trip to London, planning holidays .... so much to do .... and so little time.

What do you do - when you can get out of the snow?
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