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TOPIC: Knox and Sollecito freed!
Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
After 4 years in prison for innocent people.

Which illustrates the laziness and corruption of police, the greed of the media for a "great story" and the completely broken judicial system all over the world.

I am no more guilty of my convictions than they were of theirs. There are thousands of other innocent victims of this broken system in jails all over the world.

And the parents of Meredith - so tricked and seduced by the police (like all families of victims) - actually encouraged the media in condemning these innocent people. If someone other than Rudi killed their daughter, that murderer has been roaming around and probably killing girls for 4 years without a speck of police attention.

Every time, everywhere the poor relatives and friends of victims fall for the police crap. Look at Nick Ross in the Jill Dando case.

And nobody ever calls the cops or the jurors or the judges to account.
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
Great news,had a lot of doubts about this one.
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
Do you think you'd have been acquitted if you'd been young, pretty and female JK?
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
Oh yes; without a doubt; a much BETTER STORY!

Who wants to champion a fat, white haired old queen?

Might I point out though that Raphaele is VERY dishy too?
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Oh yes; without a doubt; a much BETTER STORY!

Who wants to champion a fat, white haired old queen?

Might I point out though that Raphaele is VERY dishy too?

I'm ugly and still got off...but the meejah never even mentioned me!
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sam spade

Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
and as usual the 'victim' industry has been in full steam. Note how it's crossed over to Europe and now and Italy seems to be in the grip of a type of victimhood where someone must pay a price..anyone whether they are guilty or not, to satisfy the public's perceived lust for punishment.

This professional victimhood status has infected our courts and is an abomination as it gives the impression that one murder is somehow more reprehensible than another.

If the victim is middle class and has a family to attend court and wring their hands it makes a 'great story'. If the victim is a loner or some other not terribly interesting character the victim industry couldn't give a stuff.

I remember a day when the families of murder victims maintained a dignified silence and even years after the event refused to give interviews rather than fall for the ridiculous notion that if they expose their suffering to the world that somehow they will find "closure"
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
Well said Sam; the commercialisation of tragedy. What a fiasco. In our victim culture and blame culture, with media breaking all rules of responsibility in order to print or carry a good story. With lazy or corrupt police being pushed for a conviction NOW - yet with no accountability when they get it wrong. And with an incredibly broken judicial system which simply does not work.

4 years in jail for innocent kids is ghastly but how much worse was our system which jailed poor Sally Clark - a tragic cot death mother - and drove her mad?

And not a slap on the wrist for the cops who put her there or the media which adored the tragedy.

Now we've got phone hacking starting to condemn media behaviour and we are beginning to examine police behaviour (though, of course, it's the police investigating it). Judges will decide (another broken section of society). And politicians will pass new laws (we do so trust politicians, don't we?).

The fine examples of human society abroad are no better. Repression, censorship, injustice. Perhaps you can now understand why I anticipate the end of the species. All the signs are there.
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
It always struck me as odd that, with all the forensic evidence clear that Guere was involved (had sex etc - did he look like someone Meredith would have picked up?) there was so little proving these two were in any way involved, let alone even there at the time.

It was that tiny level of "proof" that got them originally convicted - nothing else.

And why did Guere come up with this excuse? Of his own volition? I doubt it. I suspect a prosecutor, sensing a far better story (with pretty girl and dishy guy photo opportunity; with "sex orgy" potential) loved the idea of raising his dodgy profile.

I would not be surprised if he doesn't end up inside himself.
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
Then again, it sounds as though someone else WAS involved in the murder. Who knows, from a distant armchair, who's innocent and who is guilty?
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In The Know

Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
Prunella Minge wrote:
Then again, it sounds as though someone else WAS involved in the murder. Who knows, from a distant armchair, who's innocent and who is guilty?

Who wins ?

Was this a victory for justice ... or for media PR ?

I've always suspected that Knox was innocent, but never liked her ... something quite shifty about her.
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:

I've always suspected that Knox was innocent, but never liked her ... something quite shifty about her.

I've refrained so far from comment. But nothing I've seen of her has convinced me that she's anything other than a spoiled kid with some pretty adventurous and decidedly dark sexual leanings. Whether that makes her capable of murder is something I'd rather someone else decided {and apparently they have...}. The question of her technical guilt regarding her {non} involvement in the murder of Meredith Kercher is now resolved it seems.
But the jury is still out on the question of exactly what personal characteristics earned her the nickname "Foxy" back home, so there may be some reason to believe that there is something to your assessment. I can't say I cared for her one bit, but that's rather beside the point. If she wasn't complicit in murder justice has been served.

There has been some ugliness from both sides, a hugely expensive and high-profile American campaign which clearly carried the message that no daughter of Uncle Sam could possibly have done anything so despicable {despite the offspring of many U.S. loins doing just the same and much worse many times before} and the recent expressions of regret at the acquittal from the Kercher family, some of whom clearly didn't give a stuff about who killed the poor girl just as long as some bastard was rotting in prison for it. Whether they were guilty or not.
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Double Negative

Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
You would be surprised if he did end up inside?
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Re:Knox and Sollecito freed! 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
Good point pedant!
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