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TOPIC: Analogue Radio
Analogue Radio 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
I really hope "Analogue" radio stays. Because with analogue radio - YOU choose what you want to listen to, on digital radio the state chooses what it wants you to listen to.

No such thing as pirate digital, and pirate radio brought about some of the greatest talent.

I'm not a big fan of digital at all in fact.
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Re:Analogue Radio 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Digital radio crap sound quality I love analogue radio your free to roam with it but I heard only U.K stations are closing in 2020.
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Re:Analogue Radio 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
The Fat Controller wrote:
I really hope "Analogue" radio stays. Because with analogue radio - YOU choose what you want to listen to, on digital radio the state chooses what it wants you to listen to.

No such thing as pirate digital, and pirate radio brought about some of the greatest talent.

I'm not a big fan of digital at all in fact.

I too am a big fan of analogue and have heard the Tories have put the switch over to digital on hold. Mainly because its not been as successful as predicted. I am confused though, by your comment that with digital radio " the state chooses what it wants you to listen to." Can you explain this please? Genuinely interested.
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Re:Analogue Radio 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Easy for anyone to set up a pirate radio broadcast on chance with Digital. You need a license and Government approval.Internet radio is much better...which is one of the reasons this government and the last are seeking ways of controlling our internet activity.

It's proving almost impossible to police the internet, and that's a great thing.
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Re:Analogue Radio 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Good points but I'm sure there will always be analogue listeners just as there are still those who choose to listen to vinyl. I think your concerns are decades away.
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Re:Analogue Radio 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
The Fat Controller wrote:
Easy for anyone to set up a pirate radio broadcast on chance with Digital. You need a license and Government approval.Internet radio is much better...which is one of the reasons this government and the last are seeking ways of controlling our internet activity.

It's proving almost impossible to police the internet, and that's a great thing.

The sound quality of digital radio is much better than anologue, no crackles. I don't think analogue radio should finish because it would mean that most people would have to get a new car radio.

Pirate radio is illegal, they are playing the music of other people and not giving them royalties. If music is any good then it will get played on the bbc eventually.
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Re:Analogue Radio 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
I have a friend who runs a specialised internet station from his sunroom in a house on the c9ast.

gets about 10,000 listeners a day. only cost 5 grand to set up.
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