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Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence.
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TOPIC: Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence.

Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
tram racist woman

Is it a criminal offence or someone exercising their freedom of speech?
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
I'd say at the very least it's a public order offence. Hurling that kind of vile abuse at people should not be tolerated. And in front of little kids too(including her own!). What a disgusting creature she is.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
I don't think that you can have people verbally abusing others in public places on account of their race. Of course, we didn't see the lead up to it and whether or not she might have been provoked in some way. And she was right about Britain being 'f****** nothing anymore', and NuLabor's treasonous mass immigration policy to secure future generations of voters has played a large part in that.

Political Correctness is a kind of intellectual disease, in my view, when it comes to forbidding people like David Starkey from opening honest debates about problems in the black community, to give just one example. To the PC brigade, someone like Starkey is just as much guilty of 'racism' as that foul mouthed ignorant woman on the tram.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
she seemed a bit deranged to me but there is a case for a public offence order in that her screeching could have led to a riot.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
Free speech comes with responsibilities.
The problem here is everyone is concentrating on the racial aspect,but from reports she was threatening people too.

Bit like the old adage,murder a child,but for god's sake don't sexually abuse it!

We need to sort out priorities as a society,but yes we need to be civil in public.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
I'm a great believer in free speech. But I'm also in favour of tolerance and civility. This haridan is, unfortunately, one of the great reasons why those who would suppress free expression may have a point. In one way she's right. This country is fucked, But that the blame for that is more to do with people like her than immigrants is pretty much something I'm firmly convinced of. I have no time for her, people like her, or that kind of language in a public place. I'd rather she were deported than the black or Polish people she so clearly is uniquely unqualified to pronounce her vacuous and filthy opinions upon. And that's all the time I'm prepared to devote to her.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
Its saddened me watchinng the poor child on her lap. The woman looked liked she'd had a skinful so should the kid be taken into care until she sorts her "issues" out? The video only highlights how society in the UK is fecked on so many different levels.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
If you listen to it again, she doesn't say anything derogatory about other races, just the fact that they aren't british (which isn't neccessarily a bad thing) and that they should go back to their own countries. There isn't actually anything racial said, like they're stupid or lazy, or that one race is better than another.
In fact the black woman implies that British people are lazy and "we have to do their work for them".

I'm not defending her, I think the use of such bad language and aggressive behaviour in front of children is appalling, but why focus on the racial element.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
Didn't look like she was provoked at all. Seems she was trying to provoke them, which is really stupid when you have a kid.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
robbiex wrote:
...why focus on the racial element.

What else is there to focus on? I mean, it's not as if she had anything intelligent to say. And the main thrust of her problems appears to be that she doesn't like black people or Poles much. At least, not the ones who live in this country.

Didn't I say I wasn't going to spend any more time discussing this repulsive, xenophobic, foul mouthed waste of a brain? Ah well, you tempted it out of me.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
She says "look at all these black people." I guess it's different in Britain but in the US if you see a black person you usually assume they were born here since most of them are. Usually it's the Mexicans or Hispanics that get told to "go back to their own country."
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
robbiex wrote:
If you listen to it again, she doesn't say anything derogatory about other races, just the fact that they aren't british (which isn't neccessarily a bad thing) and that they should go back to their own countries. There isn't actually anything racial said, like they're stupid or lazy, or that one race is better than another.
In fact the black woman implies that British people are lazy and "we have to do their work for them".

I'm not defending her, I think the use of such bad language and aggressive behaviour in front of children is appalling, but why focus on the racial element.

I've been in Oz pubs and seen blokes telling Aboriginals to 'go back to their own country"

I had an aunt in New Zealand who married up.. to a knight and became a lady..when I visited her once in Auckland she commented on how there were so many Maoris there now

funny old world
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
It's funny how racists can be ignorant but sometimes they are right there are too many Polish in Britian followed by too many unemployed Romanian send them all back lets get out of the E.U. I think any country who gets in debt should be expelled from the E.U.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
She is an ignorant idiot, and as such I have no sympathy with her. She was causing a 'breach of the peace' - I would like to see idiocy become a criminal offence in itself but it's not going to happen alas.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
robbiex wrote:

I'm not defending her, I think the use of such bad language and aggressive behaviour in front of children is appalling, but why focus on the racial element.

I can't believe I just read that. She is verbally attacking people using the most disgusting language, based purely on their race. That's a pretty big racial element.

A friend of mine in London says that according to black and asian colleagues of his this kind of thing is not uncommon. A total disgrace.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
angel wrote:
Its saddened me watchinng the poor child on her lap.

He looks like he had been in this kind of situation before.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
"Oh God here she goes again; bloody woman; wish she wasn't my Mum; still; could be worse; she could be Rebekah and I could be Grant Mitchell".
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
If the woman had been a black or Asian man or woman, this would not have made the press, nor had the British Transport Police go after her. There is an inverted racism here going on, ironically.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
steveimp wrote:
If the woman had been a black or Asian man or woman, this would not have made the press, nor had the British Transport Police go after her. There is an inverted racism here going on, ironically.

None of which makes the slightest difference as to whether this woman is bigoted, foul mouthed and thoroughly offensive. Did she break hate speech laws? Certainly looks {and, more to the point, sounds} like it to me.

Point anyone here at a black or Asian racist and I'm sure they will be just as keen to condemn. I certainly would. I dislike uncivil black, Asian, Chinese, and Jewish people just as much as I dislike this woman.

Sorry, Steve, but that dog won't hunt.
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Re:Racist tram woman gets charged with public order offence. 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
steveimp wrote:
If the woman had been a black or Asian man or woman, this would not have made the press, nor had the British Transport Police go after her. There is an inverted racism here going on, ironically.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before this argument came out, as it usually does.

'aaaah, but if a black, Asian, Muslim had said this, no one would have said anything'.

That's a lazy argument, and unfortunately a rather predictable one. Racism is racism, whoever voices it. And 'turning it around' comes scarily close to accepting it.
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