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why is it so hard to get a manager?
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TOPIC: why is it so hard to get a manager?
unsigned band

why is it so hard to get a manager? 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
are managers just too afraid to take a risk on bands at the moment, is the industry spiralling down? how can fresh new talent get through if mgt companies dont get off their lazy asses, 95% dont even have the courtesy to reply back to your emails saying no thank you. where are all the good managers?
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Good question Unsigned and it deserves a good answer 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
Management has always been a problem area.
There's no "real estate".
Bands and artistes tend to dump managers when they break, rushing off to "bigger" companies.
Without ongoing royalties, there's no profit (and a LOT of expense starting an act off).
Plus the lack of gratitude stings.
Good managers now take a percentage of recording and publishing monies too.
So, if you want a really good, committed manager, find someone who totally beieves in your music and make him or her a partner in the entire project.
That's the most constructive way.
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unsigned band

Re:Good question Unsigned and it deserves a good answer 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
so have you ever considered going into mgt JK??

The rudeness of some managers is almost enough to put people off the music industry, there are only a few genuine nice people who are straight talking, can you reccommend any good top managers we could approach JK.

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No - the only person I've ever managed is me (disaster; 7 years inside!)... 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
there are some good people though... approach Richard or Harry at Modest or Steve Morton...
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unsigned band

Re:No - the only person I've ever managed is me (disaster; 7 years inside!)... 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
where would i find a contact for steve morton? who has he managed previously?
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Until a month ago he was Head of Promotion at Virgin Records... 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
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unsigned band

Re:Until a month ago he was Head of Promotion at Virgin Records... 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
am emailing steve now, would it be ok to say that i got his email address from you?? just incase he wonders.
Really appreciate ya help and knowledge JK, do you know of any other managers to contact at all?

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No problem. Good luck (nm) 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
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Re:Until a month ago he was Head of Promotion at Virgin Records... 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
UB: there's a small directory in the back of the Music Managers Bible (or the MMF Guide to Pro Music Management).

My favourite music directory is the Unsigned Guide (Google it) and there's more in there - also a load of useful info.

The snag you always have with finding a manager is that the good ones are managing people, and it's very resource intensive to do it well. They tend not to have the space to do another act justice.

Sadly, it will always be easier to get a crap manager than a good one, but your quest is righteous... keep on it.
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Re:Until a month ago he was Head of Promotion at Virgin Records... 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
On the flip-side, a few artists I've met have already got management who are doing f*** all for them and the contracts are binding. I've walked away because as a producer I want to be sure other people are putting in as much hard work and commitment as myself.

In these situations I'd advise not to seek managment until you've got something to offer, a bit of weight on your side which will ensure you can land someone worth-while instead of being forced to take what you can.

If there's no management interest right now, maybe there's a good reason? Maybe it's actually doing you a favour in the long run?
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Martin k

A quick thought from about five years back.. 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
And this cost me a lot of money at the time.
One of the agencies on my ex-fringe of the business, signed most of the major acts to a management deal.
I`m not talking major money here, but up to three bands a night, suddenly working for one management company, lost me rather a lot of 15% commissions.
However, within a year, most of the bands that I knew personally, were left with less work than they had before, as other agencies/management companies would not touch them.
My manager is also my partner, and travels on most of trips we do, with us, and I would not want it any other way. Granted we are not or even likely to be a major act, but we get by, it`s like a family on the road now, and I know where every penny is.
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Re:why is it so hard to get a manager? 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
JK hit the nail on the head perfectly with his analysis of management and managers. The best person for your act is less likely to be a big name who wouldnt have time for you unless they are currently without a major act. Find someone who is a good business person and who loves you and your music. Until you find that person, wait and unfortunately DIY.
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Re:Good question Unsigned and it deserves a good answer 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
I don't know that anyone could find a real manager that would not demand to be a partner.... at this point in time.

It does take an enormous amount of resources at the start and who is going to pay it?

I'm no particular fan of Lou Perlman, but he had crazy money into the backstreet boys before they saw dollar 1.
Truthfully, deep into that act anyone of those kids could have been replaced. They could not have kept going without that funding. Then they sue him for being a 1/6th partner. Of course he's not a music manager per se, yet without him they simply don't happen.

Management may be the most thankless job in our business.
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