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TOPIC: "Nick"
"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Meanwhile Veale's favourite false accuser is due in court and will probably plead guilty to whatever he's charged with; Not credible and Not true to do anything else. But let's remember - lies about dead people are less harmful than lies that kill people and those who encourage and assist lies in order to kill people are the worst of all, hiding behind others and escaping censure and punishment. Those who slip and slide behind the scenes often avoid notice; less media friendly. But I believe they are the ones to chase and to lock up.
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Couldn't agree more, I want to see "them" in front of a parliamentary committee!

I want to know why Northumbria Police have contacted all the families that "Nick" lied about except us...... Why not? Are we not worthy of justice? I guess I know the answer, it'd be the start of our case unravelling and many others being implicated in the whole mess.

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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Absolutely - shocking but somehow even more shocking that British Police think we'll be too stupid not to notice and British Media can't understand how important facts like these are to their readers, viewers and listeners - or do the majority simply not care?
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Sadly the latter.
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Not so sure; the only thing that matters to the media is a good story; the False Allegations Industry is rapidly becoming one hell of a good story.
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Resigns and keeps the pension stays on and will loose it.
Turns out the credible and true was against him karma karma karma
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Re: 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Meanwhile Veale's favourite false accuser is due in court and will probably plead guilty to whatever he's charged with; Not credible and Not true to do anything else. But let's remember - lies about dead people are less harmful than lies that kill people and those who encourage and assist lies in order to kill people are the worst of all, hiding behind others and escaping censure and punishment. Those who slip and slide behind the scenes often avoid notice; less media friendly. But I believe they are the ones to chase and to lock up.

Just to point out that though Heath is long dead, Proctor is still was Leon Brittan at the time 'Nick' accused him, IIRC. And yes, it is a disgraceful double standard that they have not contacted the Savile family.
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Re: 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Am I right in my understanding that in claims regarding Jimmy Savile:

a) The majority were thrown out as implausible.

b) Nick's claim was settled.

I wonder what this might suggest?
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Re: 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Good point Misa - I hadn't thought of that. Was it the Savile claim by Nick that he got money for and is that the claim now being pursued under false pretences?
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Re: 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
How can someone be as nasty as Nick to shamefully put people through unspeakable pain suffering and a doubt cast over them no matter how much it's proved nothing happened and just maybe he is going to get a few months for images.
The people that said it was credible and true you will be believed should join him in prison in one cell.
Nick is the keystone here that hopefully will be pulled out to allow the mighty wall to tumble and let's not forget Mark Williams-Thomas part in all this no matter how he tries to wriggle out of it and move on to solving nothing from past events, both men are huge story tellers.
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Re: 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
I'm starting to sound like a cracked record and for that I apogise, but the way I see it "Nick" and the rest will be proven liars for everyone except us!!! Whilst ever our family is not included we can never have justice. We will be the last man standing taking the blame for it all. I can hear it now...... "those poor men and those poor families, its all Savile's fault..."

Breaks my heart every single day!
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Re: "Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Do not lose hope Amanda - it's all down to the media; a few months ago I'd have agreed with you; Jimmy Savile can never have his reputation repaired because the media controls everything and simply cannot reverse ferret. But only one thing matters to the media. A good story. And the Mark Williams Thomas ingredient makes this a great story; can the man who tried to destroy Cliff Richard, Paul Gambaccini and others also have deliberately destroyed Jimmy Savile's reputation after his death? And, if so, why? Your hope lies with the media (admittedly not a great place to hold out hope). If there is one good Editor who can spot this great story - watch the House of Cards come tumbling down!
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
This tweeter is I suspect correct:

Even if the judge is sceptical about 'Nick's claims to have been abused by JS, he will have no choice to accept them as mitigation given 'Nick' successfully pursued a claim against the estate, or am I wrong? Can anyone more familiar than I with the legal system offer a view?
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Hiding in plain sight yet again everyone around him fooled into thinking he was a victim.
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Let's be brutally honest. Yes, the media love a 'good' story and in this sick world they seem to think it involves the sexual abuse of females. Those of us who received the inappropriate attentions of older men while boys do not get the same amount of interest usually. Let's face it most of the coverage of sex abuse cases is designed to appeal to the basest instincts in people and most of the people with said interest are heterosexual. The media will always encourage stories from women about abuse under the guise of 'shocking exposes'. Whether you think accusations are false or not, you can be sure the abuse panic won't be going away because the media is doing too well out of it. The last time I watched any TV it seemed like you couldn't switch on any kind of drama or modern film without seeing a woman being a victim of sexual violence. This comes from the same place as the tabloid 'shocking expose' syndrome. Any woman who has been abused has my deepest sympathy but my heart sinks when I see their stories being picked up by the tabloid scum to use for their own horrible ends.

So where does this leave stories about boys being abused by male celebrities? Firstly, lower down the media pecking order. There has been a lot less coverage of the male football sex abuse scandal than would have been the case if it had been a scandal involving girls or women. But maybe the victims and alleged victims should be thankful for that, given what the 'media interest' would have been if they'd been female. Secondly, it is lower down the government's agenda. There was no government initiative about violence against boys and men although there was one about women and girls.

Nick's allegations only went so far because they were being pushed by a very dubious media outfit and certain people who had obvious political motives. While the abuse panic does not mainly concern male alleged victims like him, his claims are part of a general culture that is rapidly disappearing down a moral sink hole. When everyone must be believed no matter what the evidence, no-one is truly believed. People's expressions of 'belief' just become part of a twisted pantomime.
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
My point exactly, my Uncle will be the fall guy AGAIN! Folk will feel sorry for him (Nick) and give him an excuse for his lies.
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Do not worry Amanda we here will not allow this man to get away with it he will not be allowed to just get a slap on the wrist I'm sure Harvey Proctor will also make sure.
Nick must hope he does not share his cell with someone who owns a penknife is all I can say.
Exposure of all that aided Nick should not be forgot they fuelled this man's stories backed him up perverting the course Justice aiding and abetting guiding and coaching who held his heart goes out to you and your family for the pain and suffering you are still going through.
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Re: 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Do not lose hope Amanda - it's all down to the media; a few months ago I'd have agreed with you; Jimmy Savile can never have his reputation repaired because the media controls everything and simply cannot reverse ferret. But only one thing matters to the media. A good story. And the Mark Williams Thomas ingredient makes this a great story; can the man who tried to destroy Cliff Richard, Paul Gambaccini and others also have deliberately destroyed Jimmy Savile's reputation after his death? And, if so, why? Your hope lies with the media (admittedly not a great place to hold out hope). If there is one good Editor who can spot this great story - watch the House of Cards come tumbling down!

totally agree as I am on record (here and elsewhere) of predicting that the media can Turn On Sixpence and once they have built you up, will tear to shreds if it suits.

(# others may have this observation as I can't be the most brilliant high IQ person around surely? )

MWT made some fatal mistakes (for him) by believing the media were puppets in his hands and not covering all bases. His Mirror World Cup / Brasil article (which I harp on) demonstrated so well his complete inability to thin k things through..cunning but not clever with his "30 years investigating child abuse" at age 44.

## I believe Nick got £22,000 compo (was it for Savile?) which he spent on a fabulous Ford Mustang.
Of course it's up to anyone to spend money how they wish but this doesn't example a person suffering the trauma of abuse, rather someone out to get cash in any manner.

You can imagine what the media will make of this...."Nick" tootling off i his gorgeous Mustang to see MWT who arrives in his new BMW autos gained via dubious methods (at Taxpayer Expense ) ? I can see the MailOnline headlines now.

### I so hope he pleads Not Gulty...otherwise we will never hear the facts
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
I suspect we'll be hearing all the details however he pleads Hedda.
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Re:"Nick" 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Agreed with Hedda, Amanda should not give up hope, the media are fully capable of turning on a sixpence even on this matter where, let us not forget, they have ALREADY done a 180 degree U-turn. The only thing that is holding them up, I surmise, is that doing two 180 degree turns in such a relatively short time period is a bit much, even for them (remember, most of the media treated JS as a kind of a somewhat eccentric national saint until as recently as 2011. Then A YEAR LATER it was 'he groomed a nation!" IIRC that particular headline wasn't even from the gutter press, it was from one of the so-called papers of record!)

I am not going to lie, I was a believer in the allegations initially, even to an extent a promoter of them on social media, to my regret. Then I did what the journalists should bloody well do, I read the detailed research put together by Moor Larkin, Rabbitaway, and let us not forget Anna Raccoon (RIP). And it's clear to me. There's feck all in the claims that I've seen. They disappear in a puff of smoke once you examine them properly.
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