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TOPIC: Shut down costs

Shut down costs 2 Years, 8 Months ago  
Starting to be seen for the moronic millions who couldn't or wouldn't see them.

Oxfam estimating 21 000 of the world's poorest died "with" lockdown last year (oh, a day that is...) while a further 160 million were pushed into poverty as a result of the panic.

In the years to come how many millions more will die "with poverty?"

But who cares about poor brown & black kids living miles away eh?

Lockdowns for a Covid = THE stupidest, most selfish collective action in human history (first world).
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Re:Shut down costs 2 Years, 8 Months ago  
Wyot wrote:
Starting to be seen for the moronic millions who couldn't or wouldn't see them.

Oxfam estimating 21 000 of the world's poorest died "with" lockdown last year (oh, a day that is...) while a further 160 million were pushed into poverty as a result of the panic.

In the years to come how many millions more will die "with poverty?"

But who cares about poor brown & black kids living miles away eh?

Lockdowns for a Covid = THE stupidest, most selfish collective action in human history (first world).

If Oxfam ever actually helped anyone except their own big cheeses, I expect more would have died due to the charity shops being shut for months.
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Re:Shut down costs 2 Years, 8 Months ago  
What annoys me about the coverage is not that Bezos etc al have got richer (who cares) but that this is not the real story. The real story is the harm our reaction to a mild virus has caused and will continue to cause..
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Re:Shut down costs 2 Years, 8 Months ago  
And the basic problem is - is the simplistic development of the human race the cause of this ([eople haven't got time or inclination for any solution that isn't a slogan) or is it deliberately being used to distract attention (i.e. BLM, Women in Danger or MeToo instead of examining police behaviour)?
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Re:Shut down costs 2 Years, 8 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
[quote]And the basic problem is - is the simplistic development of the human race the cause of this ([eople haven't got time or inclination for any solution that isn't a slogan) or is it deliberately being used to distract attention (i.e. BLM, Women in Danger or MeToo instead of examining police behaviour)?[/quote]

I lean towards the former as I shy away from some kind of grand design. Having said that I am sure that the simple way most people think now is also used to advantage. I think I is both but can't unravel the chicken or egg? Most unsatisfactory response, I know, for these times..
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Green Man

Re:Shut down costs 2 Years, 8 Months ago  
Wyot wrote:
What annoys me about the coverage is not that Bezos etc al have got richer (who cares) but that this is not the real story. The real story is the harm our reaction to a mild virus has caused and will continue to cause..

I still find hard to believe that George Strait is related Bezos. Strait is one alpha male. I have seen Strait live a few times and the women sure do swoon over him or he gets thier legs shaking.
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Re:Shut down costs 2 Years, 8 Months ago  
valid points WYOT.

I'm wondering whether this unprecedented pandemic will make society more compassionate..or more selfish.

I think it should put the breaks on rampant Capitalism & demonstrate Social Democracies are better equipped to handle such events (socialized medicine etc)but Third World countries suffer the worst.

Will the West, having looted places like Africa of their wealth decide to give back?
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Re:Shut down costs 2 Years, 8 Months ago  
hedda wrote:
valid points WYOT.

I'm wondering whether this unprecedented pandemic will make society more compassionate..or more selfish.

I think it should put the breaks on rampant Capitalism & demonstrate Social Democracies are better equipped to handle such events (socialized medicine etc)but Third World countries suffer the worst.

Will the West, having looted places like Africa of their wealth decide to give back?

No evidence of it yet with stock-piling of vaccines. There is perhaps hope that people will push for a fairer society as after the War. However the cynic in me thinks this unlikely given the increasingly atomistic and individualistic cultures we live in. Such societies are easy for oligarchs to manipulate to their advantage. Divide & conquer!
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