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TOPIC: Glitter's Revenge?
Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
For any of you not familiar with the history, Gary Glitter was acquitted of serious charges against him regarding sex with an under age girl when the Judge learned that a deal had been done between her and the News of the World which basically guaranteed her far more cash if he was convicted. The person who put the deal together was publicist Max Clifford and both he and the paper were severely rapped across the knuckles by the Judge in open court.

Elephants, Max and the NOTW never forget and Glitter has always claimed his Vietnam conviction was set up by the NOTW in revenge.

So now many media insiders are calling the current situation Glitter's Revenge.

Max Clifford remains untainted by any allegations however. At present.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 11 Months ago present
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Yes at present!
Trouble is though with his conviction for naughty pics on the comp not being in doubt he certainly won't enjoy the results as much as he could.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Well if this is true it's wicked beyond belief. Especially given the fact that he almost faced the death penalty. But if they can hack into the phones of murdered kids...
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
From what I gather, Gary Glitter was convicted in vietnam on evidence which would probably not have passed the test if a trial had been held in the UK. That leaves a small sentence which is well past it's is well past it's sell-date. What gives the British courts the right to persecute Gary Glitter (or anyone) to such a degree - apart the media?
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
If what I (and others with brains) comes to light, will this be one of the scandals to which The Ginger Witch is hinting at as to "worse to come"? Or will it not matter cos The Bacofoil Pervert is "fair game" as Media Demon Number One?
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Pumpkinhead wrote:
From what I gather, Gary Glitter was convicted in vietnam on evidence which would probably not have passed the test if a trial had been held in the UK. That leaves a small sentence which is well past it's is well past it's sell-date. What gives the British courts the right to persecute Gary Glitter (or anyone) to such a degree - apart the media?

certainly any conviction in Asia should be viewed with scepticism as sadly, the cops can be bought for a pittance.

The charges against GG were reduced when he paid a thousands of dollars to the families of the victims..that should ring alarm bells but it didn't.

I don;t know the truth of GG but he was harassed by the NoTW after his release form jail and basically hounded from country to country. And of course ever since.

The hack that originally broke the story of GG is Bangkok based and has boasted repetedly of his involvement in GG's case and of his wonderful contributions to the NoTW which basically are as sordid as they come.

Although he hasn't mentioned a word of the closure of the NoTW on his blog.

ps: someone should have a word with the ex-News hack Paul McMullan who is making a prat of himself at present.

His attacks on Steve Coogan really summed up how corrupt the whole News Ltd culture is. Attacking Coogan because he objected to the NoTW scandal and because Coogan also made money in Fox Studios films. He just can't see the problem-they actually think they own you because they may have paid you some money at some yime.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Although I agree that Glitter's case may not have happened, if it wasn't for the NOTW. He did play a large part in his own downfall. e.g. moving to countries that have a large problem with child sex offenders and child prostitution was rife (Cambodia, VietNam,Cuba?). Also he was kicked out of Cambodia by the authorities because of alleged sex offences. He then moved in with a woman in Vietnam with 2 young girls, and slept in the same bed (because they were scared of ghosts???).

I'm not saying he is guilty of everything he was accused of, but he certainly provided them with lots of ammunition.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
robbiex wrote:
Although I agree that Glitter's case may not have happened, if it wasn't for the NOTW. He did play a large part in his own downfall. e.g. moving to countries that have a large problem with child sex offenders and child prostitution was rife (Cambodia, VietNam,Cuba?). Also he was kicked out of Cambodia by the authorities because of alleged sex offences. He then moved in with a woman in Vietnam with 2 young girls, and slept in the same bed (because they were scared of ghosts???).

I'm not saying he is guilty of everything he was accused of, but he certainly provided them with lots of ammunition.

true- but he was hounded from country to country by the criminal enterprise that was the NoTW who would have hounded him even if he stayed in the UK or France or anywhere as we have seen.

So if he's guilty of the Vietnam charges then we can blame the NoTW as being part responsible.

No-one deserves GG's treatment by News Ltd.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Two great and accurate posts here by Robbie and Veritas - both very fair comment.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Two great and accurate posts here by Robbie and Veritas - both very fair comment.

There's a rumor from a friend and fellow boarder here that Gary is now skint and living in the Hotel Leslie Cliftonville.
Anyone know what has happened to Gary? gone quiet in the press.
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Jonathan King's Crystal Balls

Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
I once knew a girl who when she was 14 moved in with Gary Glitter. With her mother's consent.

Industry talk about Gary and his doings was rife for years.

Safe to say that NOTW et al were gunning for him though after that incident mentioned re the case being thrown out.

Still a shame that his music isn't played on radio/TV anymore.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Jonathan King's Crystal Balls wrote:
I once knew a girl who when she was 14 moved in with Gary Glitter. With her mother's consent.

Industry talk about Gary and his doings was rife for years.

Safe to say that NOTW et al were gunning for him though after that incident mentioned re the case being thrown out.

Still a shame that his music isn't played on radio/TV anymore.

Up until the NuLabor's sex offences bill of 2003, it was almost impossible to prosecute a man for having sex with a 14 year old girl if both she and her parents consented. Until 2003, for most intents and purposes, the age of consent in the UK was 14.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
I think most of the industry knew of Gary's fondness for "jalibait", it's simply that it wasn't an issue in the 70s or 80s. "Nudge, Nudge, Wink Wink, look at this page 3 girl she's 16 today!" Many in the industry were also of the opinion that he was an unpleasant prima donna too, but of course this didn't stop the tabloids effectively sponsering his post-75 career - why? Yes, he was a great showman with a hammy but time-honed stagecraft, and musically he made a great impact in 72/73 before the pantomime took over the music quality - but he would have been nothing but a footnote in music history by the time of his arrest were it not for the agenda of the tabloid press for 20 years who awarded him more column inches and headlines than his talent befitted.
Therein lies his post-PC World problem. The tabloids owned him; lock, stock & barrel. I'm pretty sure he went on the run as it were once he was released from prison in 2000 because certain NOTW people told him they would stop at nothing to crucify him and that he wasn't welcome here. Branded a paedo but never the wisest of men, he headed for places he believed he wouldn't be Public Enemy Number One instead of fronting the press here and trying to explain himself. What he didn't reckon on was Murdochs men bankrolling an around-the-world manhunt in order to stitch him up "good & proper".

The NOTW have done their job, and fools throughout the industry and the public at large see him akin to a child molesting murderer.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Blackit wrote:

Up until the NuLabor's sex offences bill of 2003, it was almost impossible to prosecute a man for having sex with a 14 year old girl if both she and her parents consented. Until 2003, for most intents and purposes, the age of consent in the UK was 14.

How many parents of a 14 year old girl, in their right minds, would consent to them having sex with an adult male, in this case a man in his 30s.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Innocent Accused wrote:
JK2006 wrote:
Two great and accurate posts here by Robbie and Veritas - both very fair comment.

There's a rumor from a friend and fellow boarder here that Gary is now skint and living in the Hotel Leslie Cliftonville.
Anyone know what has happened to Gary? gone quiet in the press.

from all I hear GG owned 2 properties so I doubt he's skint. he was always broke until his GG incarnation and I doubt he ever wanted that to happen again,.

do you think he's cracking open the champers ?
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Innocent Accused wrote:

There's a rumor from a friend and fellow boarder here that Gary is now skint and living in the Hotel Leslie Cliftonville.
Anyone know what has happened to Gary? gone quiet in the press.

Well he may not be so quiet in the press after you have just revealed his potential whereabouts. I guess even the most ardent of paedo haters get bored of "Evil glitter" walks past some children story and glitter moves to within a mile of a school (Don't most people live within a mile of a school).
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
robbiex wrote:
Blackit wrote:

Up until the NuLabor's sex offences bill of 2003, it was almost impossible to prosecute a man for having sex with a 14 year old girl if both she and her parents consented. Until 2003, for most intents and purposes, the age of consent in the UK was 14.

How many parents of a 14 year old girl, in their right minds, would consent to them having sex with an adult male, in this case a man in his 30s.

Then why didn't her parents have Glitter arrested?

Many parents of 14 year old girls would allow their daughters to have sex with men in their 30's. The parents of Mandy Smith were happy with their 13 year old daughter being banged by Bill Wyman. In Germany and Austria, where the age of consent is 14 with parents consent, it used to be extremely common for 14 year old girls to be with men in their 30's. Not that any of this has any relevance to the point I was making, which was to explain that what Glitter was alledgedly doing was pretty much legal at the time if the parents of the girl were happy with it.
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Blue Boy

Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  

Many parents of 14 year old girls would allow their daughters to have sex with men in their 30's.

What planet are you on. Very few if any parents would allow that. Parents always want the best for their children and this falls a long way sort of anything parents would allow.

....what Glitter was alledgedly doing was pretty much legal at the time if the parents of the girl were happy with it

It's either legal or not legal. He was taken to trial so the act wasn't legal. You can argue if he did it or was stiched up but try and keep to the facts.
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Re:Glitter's Revenge? 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
Blackit wrote:
robbiex wrote:
Blackit wrote:

Up until the NuLabor's sex offences bill of 2003, it was almost impossible to prosecute a man for having sex with a 14 year old girl if both she and her parents consented. Until 2003, for most intents and purposes, the age of consent in the UK was 14.

How many parents of a 14 year old girl, in their right minds, would consent to them having sex with an adult male, in this case a man in his 30s.

Then why didn't her parents have Glitter arrested?

Many parents of 14 year old girls would allow their daughters to have sex with men in their 30's. The parents of Mandy Smith were happy with their 13 year old daughter being banged by Bill Wyman. In Germany and Austria, where the age of consent is 14 with parents consent, it used to be extremely common for 14 year old girls to be with men in their 30's. Not that any of this has any relevance to the point I was making, which was to explain that what Glitter was alledgedly doing was pretty much legal at the time if the parents of the girl were happy with it.

And how do you come by these stats? Apparently its legal to have sex with kids once they leave school but that doesn't mean 3.30pm.
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