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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Innocent Accused wrote:
In The Know wrote:
JK2006 wrote:
Yes ITK many people feel as you do and are delighted to relish the death of another human being; we'd just prefer you to do it elsewhere please. You can live with it; we can't.

Very happy to

Would rather be amongst those who support life ... rather than those who support murdering repressive dictators

We have our views ITK,and of course you have yours.When in someone else's house it is considered polite to abide by their rules.
There are plenty of places on the net where your views would recieve a much more sympathetic response than here.So please bear that in mind when trying to antagonise the rest of us,thank you.

Quite simply a pathetic comment. Why do you feel the need to always take the moral high ground? Its not us and ITK its a forum for all not "someone else's house". You're coming across as a sychophant. May I suggest you go elsewhere if you find ITK so offensive.
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
angel wrote:
Innocent Accused wrote:
In The Know wrote:
JK2006 wrote:
Yes ITK many people feel as you do and are delighted to relish the death of another human being; we'd just prefer you to do it elsewhere please. You can live with it; we can't.

Very happy to

Would rather be amongst those who support life ... rather than those who support murdering repressive dictators

We have our views ITK,and of course you have yours.When in someone else's house it is considered polite to abide by their rules.
There are plenty of places on the net where your views would recieve a much more sympathetic response than here.So please bear that in mind when trying to antagonise the rest of us,thank you.

Quite simply a pathetic comment. Why do you feel the need to always take the moral high ground? Its not us and ITK its a forum for all not "someone else's house". You're coming across as a sychophant. May I suggest you go elsewhere if you find ITK so offensive.

Oh dear Angel,seems your only friend on here is ITK,and judging by every single other comment on here you're digging yourself a hole.
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In The Know

Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
angel wrote:
Quite simply a pathetic comment. Why do you feel the need to always take the moral high ground? Its not us and ITK its a forum for all not "someone else's house". You're coming across as a sychophant. May I suggest you go elsewhere if you find ITK so offensive.

They are simply denying reality angel.

The photo which they all took except to is in every single newspaper in the UK today - and on the front page of many of them.

One poster hinted that he would not believe it till he saw evidence - then objected when evidence was produced !

Of course to insult someone (when they have clearly won the argument) is a rather pathetic response, but it doesn't bother me.

What I find most puzzling is why JK would want to surround himself with such sychophants - rather than intelligent, diverse people. He often says he likes to pontificate, yet seems upset when someone else does the same.
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In The Know

Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Pumpkinhead wrote:

Gaddafi could have left the country with his family instead of staying where he was likely to be found by his enemies. With NATO's firepower it was only a matter of time. As for "begging for mercy" we'll never know if he did or not. If he was taken the way you suggest then he was murdered by those who captured him.

I was no fan of Gaddafi, but we have seen that his enemies are just as bad as he was, and the British government has shown itself to be without honour.

I see that on your Twitter page you describe yourself as an "idiot philosopher".

I dont think I need make any further comment !
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
angel wrote:
Quite simply a pathetic comment. Why do you feel the need to always take the moral high ground? Its not us and ITK its a forum for all not "someone else's house". You're coming across as a sychophant. May I suggest you go elsewhere if you find ITK so offensive.

What I find most puzzling is why JK would want to surround himself with such sychophants - rather than intelligent, diverse people. He often says he likes to pontificate, yet seems upset when someone else does the same.

Does that include fools who can't even understand opinion polls?
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
I apologize ITK and I'm very appreciative of your groveling and sycophancy.

But without wishing to decrease your kind approval of me, I should say that yes, that is exactly the photo I object to but take your point that I really should adapt my morality and change it when all the papers carry such a picture. They and you must be right; I really should be less easily offended by photos of dead people and, like the Prime Minister, I really ought to learn to gloat at the misery and death of others.

It would make me a far nicer person.

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In The Know

Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
I apologize ITK and I'm very appreciative of your groveling and sycophancy.

But without wishing to decrease your kind approval of me, I should say that yes, that is exactly the photo I object to but take your point that I really should adapt my morality and change it when all the papers carry such a picture. They and you must be right; I really should be less easily offended by photos of dead people and, like the Prime Minister, I really ought to learn to gloat at the misery and death of others.

It would make me a far nicer person.


As you will have seen on the BBC News, JK, millions of Libyans wanted "evidence" of the demise of the tyrant who has terrorized them for more than 4 decades.

You will also have seen the dancing in the streets - not just in every part of Libya, but huge parties in places as far away as London and Manchester !

You have consistently refused to accept that their was a genuine uprising - and constantly refered to the millions who supported Gaddafi (where are they????).

You keep going on about the PM - who answered a response for help .... did you see the heros welcome he received when he visited Libya?

I honestly believe you to be slightly unbalanced to be so at-odds with the entire world (excluding your little cabal) while still insisting that your ideas are right (hinting therefor that everyone else must be wrong) ... and I'm very sorry about that.
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
No ITK - I accept that millions wanted Gaddafi dead and are celebrating that he is; I suspect many are still fighting for him and predict here that, like the IRA, they will continue killing for their belief. I believe Cameron has been hailed as a hero for supporting the winning side in this civil war though I doubt they would have won without NATO. I think you're probably in the majority about gruesome pictures too; most people love photos of dead bodies and enjoy kicking corpses (they can't kick back). I'm not saying you're in a minority; I'm simply in my own moral minority. No change there.

And even on here some seem to agree with you that we should be cheering and celebrating a death and peering with delight at the pictures of his corpse. Others feel, as I do, that it's sick and sad.

What a joy we can all exist together (until other countries send in the bombers).
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In The Know

Re:Gaddafi IS dead !!!!! 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
And even on here some seem to agree with you that we should be cheering and celebrating a death and peering with delight at the pictures of his corpse. Others feel, as I do, that it's sick and sad.

What a joy we can all exist together (until other countries send in the bombers).

Glad we can agree on something !

You are wrong to suggest that we are celebrating ... happy, yes, that a mass-murdering tyrant has gone - but sad too, that it has taken so long.

Pleased too, that the suffering of the Libyan people over the last 4 decades is finally over.

(We should not forget the support that he - and his like - have been given over the years by the USA, and the UK (thank you, B-Liar !)
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Re:Gaddafi IS dead !!!!! 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
JK2006 wrote:
And even on here some seem to agree with you that we should be cheering and celebrating a death and peering with delight at the pictures of his corpse. Others feel, as I do, that it's sick and sad.

What a joy we can all exist together (until other countries send in the bombers).

Glad we can agree on something !

You are wrong to suggest that we are celebrating ... happy, yes, that a mass-murdering tyrant has gone - but sad too, that it has taken so long.

Pleased too, that the suffering of the Libyan people over the last 4 decades is finally over.

(We should not forget the support that he - and his like - have been given over the years by the USA, and the UK (thank you, B-Liar !)

ITK I agree that it has to be a good thing that a mass-murdering tyrant has gone. You mentioned Blair and Brown- you are of course right, but I'm pretty convinced that Cameron would also have continued to support Ghadaffi if the worm hadn't turned. Don't you think so?

And let's not forget that Cameron and his like are, as we speak, actively supporting regimes that are equally as brutal as Ghadaffi's, and we do so because it is in our 'interest' to do so, either strategically or because they have oil.

Would you agree that Cameron and Sarkozy did not act out of purely humanitarian intent?

You say that the Libyan people's suffering has ended- let's hope so, but no one can know
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
angel wrote:
Innocent Accused wrote:
In The Know wrote:
JK2006 wrote:
Yes ITK many people feel as you do and are delighted to relish the death of another human being; we'd just prefer you to do it elsewhere please. You can live with it; we can't.

Very happy to

Would rather be amongst those who support life ... rather than those who support murdering repressive dictators

We have our views ITK,and of course you have yours.When in someone else's house it is considered polite to abide by their rules.
There are plenty of places on the net where your views would recieve a much more sympathetic response than here.So please bear that in mind when trying to antagonise the rest of us,thank you.

Quite simply a pathetic comment. Why do you feel the need to always take the moral high ground? Its not us and ITK its a forum for all not "someone else's house". You're coming across as a sychophant. May I suggest you go elsewhere if you find ITK so offensive.

Very,very silly comment,especially as JK himself suggested the same.
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Re:GADDAFI CAPTURED !!!!! 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
quite amazed that the majority of comments in the Daily Mail with it's daily snuff pics and movies condemn this slaughter.

What is odd that the rabble screeching with bloodlust in the movies of Gaddafi being abused are now in charge.

murderous vicious vile brutal and blood thirsty thugs.

but at least they are our thugs.
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Pattaya wrote:
angel wrote:
Innocent Accused wrote:
In The Know wrote:
JK2006 wrote:
Yes ITK many people feel as you do and are delighted to relish the death of another human being; we'd just prefer you to do it elsewhere please. You can live with it; we can't.

Very happy to

Would rather be amongst those who support life ... rather than those who support murdering repressive dictators

We have our views ITK,and of course you have yours.When in someone else's house it is considered polite to abide by their rules.
There are plenty of places on the net where your views would recieve a much more sympathetic response than here.So please bear that in mind when trying to antagonise the rest of us,thank you.

Quite simply a pathetic comment. Why do you feel the need to always take the moral high ground? Its not us and ITK its a forum for all not "someone else's house". You're coming across as a sychophant. May I suggest you go elsewhere if you find ITK so offensive.

Very,very silly comment,especially as JK himself suggested the same.

I'm sure JK respects comments that disagree with his, unlike some sychophants with no mind of their own.
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
angel wrote:
Pattaya wrote:
angel wrote:
Innocent Accused wrote:
In The Know wrote:
JK2006 wrote:
Yes ITK many people feel as you do and are delighted to relish the death of another human being; we'd just prefer you to do it elsewhere please. You can live with it; we can't.

Very happy to

Would rather be amongst those who support life ... rather than those who support murdering repressive dictators

We have our views ITK,and of course you have yours.When in someone else's house it is considered polite to abide by their rules.
There are plenty of places on the net where your views would recieve a much more sympathetic response than here.So please bear that in mind when trying to antagonise the rest of us,thank you.

Quite simply a pathetic comment. Why do you feel the need to always take the moral high ground? Its not us and ITK its a forum for all not "someone else's house". You're coming across as a sychophant. May I suggest you go elsewhere if you find ITK so offensive.

Very,very silly comment,especially as JK himself suggested the same.

I'm sure JK respects comments that disagree with his, unlike some sychophants with no mind of their own.

IA is a valued member of this forum,especially as he was involved in the same kind of false allegations as was JK.
You on the other hand seem to be getting the same dose of 'selective amnesia' afflicting ITK!
Take a look at the replies,you've not got any support on this one,move on,go back to posting as you used to,not making a fool out of yourself as seems to be increasingly the case recently.
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Er, my comment was directed at Pattaya. Keep up. What Has other posters involvement in false allegations got to do with anything? Please refrain from telling me how to post my opinions. Its really none of your business.
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
angel wrote:
Please refrain from telling me how to post my opinions. Its really none of your business.

But angel...

You're asking people to refrain from posting their opinions. And it's really none of your business to make a judgment call on the motivations of those opinions. Need I remind you once again on what you had to say about the criticism of other peoples' opinions only a few short months ago?
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Re:GADDAFI CAPTURED !!!!! 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
I think we should all accept every poster no matter what they say (except perhaps when they they really personal which even I have done at times...most unusual for a person who verges on complete perfection)

For instance In The Know is possibly my very favourite poster because (a) who makes me look even far more intelligent than I am) and (b) he's our very own Alf Garnet

If we didn't have ITK we would have to invent him
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Re:Gaddafi may be dead ? 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Locked Out wrote:
angel wrote:
Please refrain from telling me how to post my opinions. Its really none of your business.

But angel...

You're asking people to refrain from posting their opinions. And it's really none of your business to make a judgment call on the motivations of those opinions. Need I remind you once again on what you had to say about the criticism of other peoples' opinions only a few short months ago?

Angel is becoming more like ITK everyday!
You made a fool out of him a while ago,and he hasn't learnt from it.If he continues this way he is simply going to attract the same kind of replies ITK brings on himself with his rudeness.
I've worked all round the world,including Iraq at its most violent,does Angel really think a he's going to persuade me from making comments with his recent posts? Bit like being savaged by a drunk ameoba
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Re:GADDAFI CAPTURED !!!!! 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
veritas wrote:

If we didn't have ITK we would have to invent him

Maybe somebody did ...
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Re:GADDAFI CAPTURED !!!!! 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Pumpkinhead wrote:
veritas wrote:

If we didn't have ITK we would have to invent him

Maybe somebody did ...

Don't blame me!
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