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TOPIC: Silly Middies
Silly Middies 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
1 SHAKIRA... real hit
2 CHRISTINA... doing OK
3 RIHANNA... wimmin wimmin wimmin
4 JAMES MORRISON... another real hit
5 CASCADA... all around those boys from blackburn
6 PARIS... still here
7 LILY ALLEN... ditto but bloody annoying
9 PAOLO NUTINI... doing OK
10 (73) VIEW... what's this? Explain please and gissa link.


No new entries in Top 30 Albums
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Re:Silly Middies 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
From Sony website

Cast your mind back to 2005. While A&R men the length and breadth of the land were busy scouring the post-Franz landscape of Glasgow in search of the next great new Scottish band, what they sought lay a couple of hundred miles to the North East, in an oft-overlooked part of the country.

Musically, the history of Dundee isn
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That's great Terry; many thanks but how about a link? 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Then we can judge what's Sony priority hype and what's decent music.
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Re:Silly Middies 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Bit of a stagnant chart, but I guess Shakira's sales are still holding up well, the only bright light!
I'd hoped that David Guetta vs The Egg may have been charting on downloads, anyone know if it is lower down the charts?
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Re:Silly Middies 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Can anyone tell what the point of the chart is now?

There's no longer a TV chart rundown for it, nobody I know listens to the Top 40 on Radio 1, shops don't put stock in chart order anymore, just bestsellers and new releases...

How long before the charts are done away with?
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Ah Vince; a regular topic here... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
I'm looking to start POP I - a chart that assesses POPULARITY and therefore included statistics on unreleased tracks, music used in commercial TV campaigns, physical sales, downloads, radio requests, media interest, visits and hits to sites...
Any ideas?
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Re:Ah Vince; a regular topic here... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Though I love the idea of POP-I, I wonder how on earth you can get acurate information from each component. I don't believe the Sales Charts have ever claimed to tell you what is the most popular song currently, but I do believe it totally accurately ranks the best selling records/songs over the previous Sunday to Saturday period. (Though at the moment, only those who subscribe to the OCC Online service get that information, as the current chart rules means certain titles get "Starred-out" because the don't qualify for the published chart). I bought my current favourite song four weeks ago, so I know my purchase is not reflected in this week's chart, but it's still my favourite record of the moment - and, yes, it is in the current top 10, but not through the purchase I made.

So, back to POP-I. Who is going to collate, (or, in fact pay for collating) all the data from statistics on unreleased tracks, music used in commercial TV campaigns, physical sales, downloads, radio requests, media interest, visits and hits to sites...?
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Well Dixie I do go into this in an old Attitudes & Opinions post... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
My idea was to involve the Royal Mail; to get them to send out free millions of cards weekly, giving that week's POP I chart and asking people to mail back their favourite current piece of music on a second section of the card.
That way it becomes both significant (millions seeing it each week) and interactive, provoking punters to use the mail rather than phone and e-mail/text, flying in the face of current trends but boosting the image of snail mail (and improving Royal Mail profits).
Via existing firms like OCC, other elements would be added.
Checking gigs; ratings and responses for TV commercials; spot check radio analysis... I'm sure there are ways of doing it...
Suddenly Lonnie Donegan is in the POP I Top Ten alongside Shakira and a new Rachmaninov recording getting vast requests on Classic FM.
I haven't thought it through yet but there's the germ of an idea here!
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The Cat

Re:Ah Vince; a regular topic here... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Sounds like that other chart - the Fab Chart - mentioned on here. That is a top ten based on "feedback and other statistics". Not sure what that means but it's an enjoyable chart and probably a good promo tool. And it features a song by the great JK.

I did hear that Woolworths base their chart on projected sales rather than actual sales. So charts come in all shapes and sizes.

I suppose the important thing is to enjoy the music.
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Martin K

Re:Well Dixie I do go into this in an old Attitudes & Opinions post... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Probably best to not use the postal service, charts could rapidly vanish, "it`s live! it`s number one, it`s,..... oh sorry we are still waiting for the postman...."
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help me

Re:Silly Middies 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Seems Shakira is holding up quite well for a third week, seems to be very slow this week, its probably a sign of things to come, with downloads taken more effect than physicals.

Any sign of Cassie in the lower end of the chart
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Manager Man

Woolies 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
<<< I did hear that Woolworths base their chart on projected sales rather than actual sales >>>

... or based on the number of units that they bought for their stock?
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The Cat

Re:Woolies 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
My local one doesn't seem to buy many units for their stock at all. The CD shelves are often empty.
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User Offline
Re:Well Dixie I do go into this in an old Attitudes & Opinions post... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
I think I mentioned before but using the Royal Mail seems like such an archaic way of doing things to me. In fact, asking anyone to do anything is probably a waste of time!

The way LastFM works would be the way forward for me, I.e. Build up a chart based on what everyone's listening to. The hurdle here is to introduce the software to every media player available and people like Microsoft would probably want to do their own. Things like IPod's and Mp3 players could easily keep track and upload the results each time the user has the device plugged into a computer.
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Re:Well Dixie I do go into this in an old Attitudes & Opinions post... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
I have an idea. What about a sales-based chart, collecting sales of both physical singles and downloads, basing the chart Sunday to Saturday, and getting a broadcaster to announce the chart on radio, television and websites on the Sunday. But to make the chart relevant, allow downloads in from when they are available, and don't make stuff ineligible just because the physical version has been deleted.

Too radical to ever happen!!
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Martin K

I like the Popularity chart idea 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
As a kid, what fascinated me about the charts was that I felt that was exactly what it was. I had no idea of the sales being involved at all.
If a credible chart is to be made accesible to the newest listeners, the idea should not be given to the about any units sold, this should be very underplayed.
It should be about "who is the winner this week?". That idea has allways been loved by young people, much like trump cards.
I loved it when "Lilly the Pink", won the race every week, and remember being upset when it lost!
Pop 1 sounds like a goer to me.
And look how long this thread has become? See we do care still.
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Re:Well Dixie I do go into this in an old Attitudes & Opinions post... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
But Martin is there a point to any chart nowadays?
Who, except for the industry and the artists themselves, takes any notice of them?
I don't think kids nowadays are bothered if anyone is No.1... they still love the music but don't care what order they are in...
Or maybe I'm just too old and out of touch...
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You're right Vince; the chart means nothing BUT... 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
We need to create one that means something.
a) because it's a very useful marketing tool, getting media attention and giving exposure and making potential customers aware
b) because it's a way - if accurate - of telling copyright owners when they ARE right and where to spend more money on likely winners.
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Martin K

Still disagree Vince , here`s why.. 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
The chart means everything to every artiste I have ever known that has been in it, which in turn, activates further creative work in the knowledge that their audience has a number attached to it in a list.
Despite all the marketing and management, the artist still needs a slap on the back from somebody they have never met.
I believe the charts were rendered unimportant to most of us a while back due to calculated promotion of material way before release. We all knew the Gnarls would be number one, way before they were. If a chart has to be taken seriously, this has to stop again.
When Slade went straight in at number one in 72/3, it was unheard of. These days even the kids can predict the number ones.
It would be much more fun if they couldn`t. Never forget that the charts are part of the entertainment industry too, and not just a list for the industry.
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Re:Still disagree Vince , here`s why.. 17 Years, 10 Months ago  

Maybe both you and JK are right Martin.
I guess it would be great to go back to those heady days when the charts did matter and everyone gathered around to hear the latest No.1.
I agree with your point and today's chart. When I was a kid you didn't have clue who was going to be top until you heard the charts, nowadays there is no surprise at all so the magic has gone.
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