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King of Hits
URGENT message for the Music Industry PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 28 November 2015
I find it depressing that ADELEs album 25 has outsold the entire rest of the chart put together. Because it illustrates that the music industry is in a terrible state.

Back in the late 1990s The Tip Sheet praised two executives in music - Simon Cowell and Richard Russell. One is the executive behind One Direction; the other behind Adele.

Both are British. Both acts dominate sales globally.

But apart from them, music has become a disaster area for sales. Others are doing OK using music for Streaming and other services. Use in movies and on radio is OK. But sales are down. Labels, run by morons, are declining.

Fifteen years later only Simon and Richard have been really successful.

Even the Tipsheet, trying to reflect and inspire music enthusiasm, has essentially disappeared.

Yes we can blame specialisation or streaming or piracy or numerous other enemies but essentially it is OUR fault. Simon and Richard have been far too busy finding and breaking music to blame anyone. They had neither the time nor the inclination.

Wake up Music Industry. Stop simply going through the motions, paying the bills, feeding your family, obeying instructions.

This has nothing to do with the quality or commerciality or style of the music.

It is to do with the people behind it. And they - you - we have really let the side down.

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