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King of Hits
Those "rare" false allegations (after Beale) PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 07 September 2017
Of course the problem is - if someone is dead it is hard to construct a case against their false accusers. Likewise, if the offending is so stupid and extreme (as Beale) as to make prosecution easy. That's why the CPS man says false allegations are "rare".

Yes those made so stupidly as Beale's - very few people are as stupid as her.

Let's be clear - the vast majority of false allegations do not succeed - and most police will not assist or encourage an obvious false accuser. But the minority that end in trial and conviction is nevertheless in thousands.

Some convicted will be fair and true (to an extent at least).

I repeat my Freedom of Information figures - between 2014 and 2017 Surrey Police alone had 4,820 allegations of sex abuse. That is one tiny force.

In 2015, of the 1670 claims to Surrey Police, only 242 were referred to the CPS. But 242 a year means around 800 over three years (don't have recent acquittals or convictions yet). Multiply that by around 50 forces - that's 40,000 innocent (until proven guilty) trials and God knows how many wrongful convictions.

It could be you.

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