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King of Hits
Mending Broken Souls PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 29 November 2018
I noticed this in Cliff Richard's eyes - likewise in the mighty brave Eddie Gilfoyle's eyes - and at the Sue Alison Saunders gathering - when I was in prison I helped many broken souls get their lives back together again, sometimes gaining them appeals granted, sometimes solving prison rules breached, sometimes relationships with wives or children. It dawned on me that was probably why, as I left Maidstone, 105 of the 130 inmates on my wing came to my cell to hug me, thank me and say farewell.

The system breaks souls. Especially the innocent but equally the totally guilty; there seems to be no forgiveness or salvation these days.

Much though I like the current Pope, I find it frightening that he describes bent priests as CaCa. I thought Jesus, if he existed, which I doubt, urged forgiveness, even for the worst sinners (and some would consider someone giving willing teenagers a wank as far less bad than a serial killer).

So that appears to be my skill - mending broken souls.

A wrongful conviction does not mean death. Neither does a correct conviction.

There is still life to be lead, people to love, challenges to be met.

I feel we've all been given a lifeline thanks to young Liam Allan. His determination to build a life has been impressive. But even more so - his determination to mend the broken system.

For one so young to lead the crusade to correct this devastating situation is remarkable. And he really is getting attention. I have huge hope for 2019 - he is having a meeting in the Commons and a massive (we hope) demonstration in the summer.

And with luck many will attend who have managed to mend their broken souls so I will see hope and happiness in those eyes that currently express misery.

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