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Home arrow Attitudes & Opinions arrow The triumph of 2012 - Individual Accountability
The triumph of 2012 - Individual Accountability PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
2012? The best thing about it was the start of Individual Accountability.

For years, corruption, laziness and incompetence have dominated our society, sometimes leading to gross unfairness, injustice and even death.

And the Establishment gets away with it: setting up "Inquiries" and avoiding any real condemnation with the suffocation of time.

But this year we saw such events as the Hillsborough Report not only opening a can of worms but threatening to name individuals and punish them. Likewise the Leveson Inquiry - it may not have changed much but we see individuals suffering the potential punishment for their staff breaking the law.

At last those who have gotten away with it for decades are in the firing line.

My hope is that the individual police, lawyers and behind-the-scenes manipulators who set up and triumphed in my wrongful convictions will, in 2013, see justice come knocking at their doors. And that many other victims of false allegations will see their lying (or "mistaken") accusers get prosecuted for malicious and greedy invention or inflation.

At the moment, the judicial system has to obey the media and chase up the media "great stories". But the end of the tunnel is within sight. And I sense many of those who felt their legitimate acceptance of complaints and even encouragement of those making them might not only be unwise but might result in criminal prosecution; in Karma if not in fact.

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