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King of Hits
Genesis - starting things PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 07 February 2015
After the second showing of the excellent Genesis documentary, Together and Apart, I got many messages of support, both for the BBC rightly including me in it and for starting the band.

I've tended to start things all through my life. Years after events including myself, the world seems to pick up on it and it's everywhere.

I wouldn't be so mad as to take credit for the enormous success Genesis and individual members have had. Prime example - Phil Collins, who wasn't even in the band when I found them and named them.

But without Genesis Phil would probably had a good career as a drummer and actor. He may well have been successful but he certainly would not have written those kinds of songs. Life takes you down many different roads and his would have probably gone down that started by his early career of The Artful Dodger and different bands.

Parents start things by giving birth. Then they steer people in certain directions. But from those teenage years onwards, it's up to the individuals.

Those Charterhouse schoolboys were having fun in their spare time making pop music, like everyone was in the 60s, and would certainly have finished school and gone to University, pursuing careers as accountants or lawyers or doctors or bankers. By loving their talent, christening them Genesis, paying for them to come into a studio, making them write and record an album, producing it, trimming the songs, dropping some, adding others, putting them on a label, releasing their music - I started a serious music career for them.

I well remember a huge meeting with all their parents (including Mike Rutherford's Dad, who had The Living Years written and recorded about him years later), telling them to let the boys continue making music instead of going to college. Without that meeting, there would have been no Genesis.

So, I started Genesis (named after the start of my serious production career). Their success is totally and absolutely down to their individual talents. But without me, there would have been none of that music. 100% certain.

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