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EEC blocks cheap cigarettes online
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TOPIC: EEC blocks cheap cigarettes online

EEC blocks cheap cigarettes online 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Probably a good thing personally as I have just quit, however, the unopened box that arrived here at the weekend, I assume is now contraband, and I would also add that when they were ordered, the brief gap in the law to allow internet importing of such goods would appear not to have been opened yet, but was open when they arrived,they were delivered by the postman would you believe.
Apparently, the government are worried about an increase in fraud, what worries me more about it, and made me quit finally, was that I have no knowledge of the Polish language whatsoever, and they could contain absolutely anything for all I know!
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Manager Man

Re:EEC blocks cheap cigarettes online 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
This decision makes a complete nonsense of the original idea for the Common Market - the free movement of goods between countries in a tax free zone.

Time therefor to scrap the EU altogether?
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Re:EEC blocks cheap cigarettes online 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Good point MM. I was brought up with the idea that there was a USA, a USSR, a China, and there was going to be an EEC.
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Re:EEC blocks cheap cigarettes online 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
Martin wrote:
Good point MM. I was brought up with the idea that there was a USA, a USSR, a China, and there was going to be an EEC.
Do you mean the Common Market? It's been the European Union for a decade already!

(How do you say pedantic in Polish?)
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Re:EEC blocks cheap cigarettes online 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
I think I`m getting around the Polish now.
And if my reading is correct I have 30 packets of imported tribute fags.
There is no way these are the real thing.
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Re:EEC blocks cheap cigarettes online 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
One thing about Chinese tobacco... they use it to soak up environmental contaminants in soil... mercury is a common industrial pollutant that they use tobacco to fix the material with (it's one of the few plants that does that... it'll even soak up radio-isotope pollution...) problem is what to do with toxic plant matter... thus the industry of counterfeit cigarettes... I view it as a combination of population control and poisonous waste dispersal...
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Cheers for that(I think) Harley! 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
With information of that magnitude, I think the only reason cheap imports should be allowed through the European community would be to encourage people to give up smoking armed with this information!
Which reminds me, I must do a search for imported nicotine patches, probably the same ingredients and background as above.
To be fair to the NHS, who I am a full supporter of, they actually have offered me free "giving up" help(medication) and support. Malboro (NPOQ*A HECOBEPWEHQNTHNM branch) have suceeded for me though.
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I aim to please and inform! NM 17 Years, 10 Months ago  
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