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TOPIC: Exciting times in north Wales

Exciting times in north Wales 8 Years ago  
I don't know how many of you are aware that September is going to be an interesting month. The ex-north wales police chief Gordon Anglesea's trial for historic child abuse starts proper at Mold Crown Court on the 13th; and Darren Laverty, a false allegator during the Waterhouse Inquiry and known online bully, appears at court at Wimbledon on the 21st charged with stalking a female journalist who unmasked him. I wonder what Richard Webster would have made of it all?
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Re:Exciting times in north Wales 8 Years ago  
Yes I get quite confused about this entire saga; Webster's book on Bryn Estyn remains one of the greatest, best researched, well written bibles on the False Allegations Industry.
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Re:Exciting times in north Wales 8 Years ago  
Guilty or will strike home amongst the force of how serious a mess historic allegations make..

....Please keep us informed Mr King.
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Re:Exciting times in north Wales 8 Years ago  
Knew nothing about that!

But stayed in Llandudno last night - in beautiful North Wales, near Snowdon and on the coast.

This part of the UK - national park, Snowdonia, Anglesey - must be one of the finest in Britain.

Weather, scenery, food, people - fantastic: I often why I go abroad, at all.

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Re:Exciting times in north Wales 8 Years ago  
Any juror judging anything connected to Bryn Estyn needs to read Webster's book but it's a hefty tome and many jurors cannot even read.
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only me

Re:Exciting times in north Wales 5 Years, 7 Months ago
Mark Watts

Following Following @MarkWatts_1
GUILTY: Darren Laverty of Gwynedd, Wales pleaded guilty at Salisbury magistrates’ court on Friday to “sending an offensive message” to a woman, CPS confirms.

CPS dropped charges against him eight months ago of online stalking two other women, inc @Esther9982 . 1/2
6:29 AM - 4 Feb 2019
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