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I'm fucking furious - Moonlight
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TOPIC: I'm fucking furious - Moonlight
I'm fucking furious - Moonlight 7 Years, 7 Months ago  
Just seen Moonlight - arguably one of the best movies I have ever watched. How on earth can critics and film makers have praised La La Land ahead of this? My only question is - is it ten or twenty times better? Moonlight has superb cinematography, directing and editing as well as the obvious script and acting gems. It is intelligent and complex and sensitive.

Naomie Harris is superb. This is not, repeat not, a black movie; it is a human movie and for that reason I cannot blame racism for failing to award it top prizes. I blame the superficiality that has taken over our species. La La is primary colours, superficial, slick and ordinary. Easy to consume, not bad not good. Moonlight is brilliant, complicated, original.

It praises and examines affection and intimacy; two much ignored but hugely important ingredients of humanity. Go and see it now; you will be overwhelmed by how terrific it is.
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Last Edit: 2017/02/19 05:18 By JK2006.
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Re:I'm fucking furious - Moonlight 7 Years, 7 Months ago  
It is quite hard to find, for some reason. I went to the excellent Picture House - they told me that due to demand it had been moved into the enormous Screen One and La La Land (which, she said, seemed to evoke massive disappointment) had been put into the far smaller Screen 3.
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Re:I'm fucking furious - Moonlight 7 Years, 7 Months ago  
Strangely negative 3 star review in the Times; very odd.
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Re:I'm fucking furious - Moonlight 7 Years, 6 Months ago  
An apology to the voters on the Oscars - they got it right!
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