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TOPIC: Article 50

Article 50 7 Years, 5 Months ago  
Stop all this "what am I going to do"
If you have moved and settled in Europe you will still be able to live there FFS stop worrying just take citizenship if your that worried.

"Where will I get my staff from"
You will be able to draw from the whole world so do not panic.

EUs in the UK.
Stop worrying you will be able to stay and work as you have and this is due to lazy BRITS who would rather grab benefits than work the british government know you will never get those lazy fxxxers to go out to work.

Yes there will be some upsets of course but there will be many gains it will take years to settle down.

The EU do not want us to do ok because it would lead to other countries wanting to leave the community but it's had it anyway.
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Last Edit: 2017/03/29 06:53 By JK2006.
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Re:Article 50 7 Years, 5 Months ago  
Taking citizenship isn't a simple process. It often means taking language or citizenship exams, though doesn't necessarily involve having to complete an 85-page form, or fulfil unreasonable demands like providing written evidence of every single time you've left the country, as in the UK.

For filling jobs, it's bizarre to want to discriminate against people from the EU, which as the world's largest trading bloc and concentration of developed countries arguably has the highest concentration of well educated people in the world. Incentives would have to be put in place to replace EU freedom of movement into the UK, as well as replace the skilled EU citizens who have decided to leave, and encourage people with comparative levels of education and standards of English from other parts of the world to up sticks and move to the UK rather than stay at home. Why would large numbers of people from developed countries outside the UK, e.g. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, USA, want to move there? Perhaps supporters of Brexit want to see an influx of people from less developed countries, e.g. Pakistan and Bangladesh, or other Commonwealth countries, some of whom may of course be well educated by their countries' standards if not by UK or EU standards.
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Re:Article 50 7 Years, 5 Months ago  
so speaks the optimistic based on fuck all but a belief that everything will be all right on the night.

Disaster looms as a populace deluded by come bizarre thing called 'sovereignty' which I would take note of except no-one has ever explained what the fuck that means.

Very pleasing to read that the Lord who actually authored Article 50 has called out the numpties claiming Brexit, once stared is irreversible when it is no such thing
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Re:Article 50 7 Years, 5 Months ago  
Look we will be better off worse off on much about the same the vote was for out we all should accept and the in later years you can say I told you so or I can say I told you so.
No stress no drama got to get on with it as it will be what it is.
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Re:Article 50 7 Years, 5 Months ago  
Oh by the way check how the £ is doing, rather well actually.

We're doomed
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