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that other longest suicide note in history (that should worry you more)
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TOPIC: that other longest suicide note in history (that should worry you more)

that other longest suicide note in history (that should worry you more) 7 Years, 4 Months ago  
Alex Mitchell was a Times journalist I knew in the UK before he returned to Australia . Now retired but still cuts through the bullshit:

Brexit dye is cast

British Prime Minister Theresa May this week sent Britain’s Brexit six-page suicide note to Brussels with the backing of her Tory Party, the Labour Party and Nigel Farage’s United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). Her UDI from the European Union (EU) is opposed by the Liberal Democrats, the Scottish, Welsh and Irish nationalists and up to half the voters of Britain.
When US President Donald Trump brags about “America First” and his crazed attachment to economic nationalism he is branded as a lunatic (which he is). But when Mrs May babbles on about Britain going it alone, building “Global Britain” and replacing trade multilateralism with unilateralism, she is hailed as a genius. Trumpism and Mayism are not identical but they are on the same side of the coin. They are an attempt to turn back the history of world trade which has existed since biblical times.

Ancient historical records show that the early Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Phoenicians, Persians, Indians and Chinese traded almost continuously, BC and AD. Their market was an ever-expanding world; its boundaries were limited only by discovery.

It is a post-imperial arrogance of white English people (and white Americans) to believe they can create their own trading market through unilateral deal-making. Both May and Trump think they can: let’s see what happens …
When jails recruit terrorists

The terror attack outside the House of Commons on March 22 was carried out by Kent-born Adrian Elmes.

Elmes, 52, was a career criminal who spent most of his life behind bars on a variety of serious crimes including criminal damage (1983) and stabbing (2003). The media around the world refer to him as Khalid Masoud, the name he adopted after he converted to Islam.

Why would a “Man of Kent”, a quintessential English type, become a Moslem and then a terrorist?

We have known for many years that incarcerated UK and US criminals, black and white, choose to become Moslems. The same process has been underway in Australian jails for the past 15 years. Many of the converts are Aborigines. Why?

There are several reasons:

Islamic prisoners strictly adhere to a faith which stresses group solidarity, inner courage and physical and moral purity. (This is quite different from the Islam faith of the billionaire kings, princes, princesses, emirs and feudal rulers of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states).
Islamic prisoners are entitled to more privileges than other inmates: prayer times, better food, religious books and music, easier family visits.
Islamic prisoners receive more community support when they leave prison, including the possibility of housing and jobs.

It’s no wonder prisoners choose to join Islamic “gangs” while the official prison policy remains punishment through physical and psychological violence.

If prison facilities have become recruiting grounds for future terrorists, what are we thinking?

With 96,000 prisoners, the UK has the highest prison population in the EU. Outside the EU, only Russia and Turkey have more prisoners. Official reports show that suicide, self-harm and mental breakdown are occurring on a frightening scale in UK jails.

As a result, Theresa May’s Tory government is responding – by spending $2 billion on new jails. Further proof of the value of a strict Anglican upbringing.
Smell of an Englishman

Some very wealthy English businessmen have welcomed Brexit and Theresa May’s little Englandism with both hands.

Meet multi-millionaire property owner Fergus Wilson, Britain’s biggest buy-to-let landlord. Wilson, 70, has issued an email directive to staff telling them not to let properties to “coloureds”.

“To be honest, we’re getting overloaded with coloured people,” Wilson said. “It’s a problem with certain types of coloured people – those who consume curry – it sticks to the carpet. In extreme cases you have to replace the carpet.”

Wilson once reportedly owned up to 1,000 properties in Kent: perhaps Adrian Elmes (see above) was a tenant?
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Re:that other longest suicide note in history (that should worry you more) 7 Years, 4 Months ago  
"There are several reasons:

Islamic prisoners strictly adhere to a faith which stresses group solidarity"

Utter utter utter Bollox just ask any prison officer how many so called Muslims in prison get caught for breaching in Ramadan fast, in Wandsworth in 2008 around 50% were caught scoffing something during the fasting hours.
Muslims in prison get far more than any other faiths including a massive Ede festival with special foods and packs to take to their cells the non Muslim inmates get none but the Muslims also get the free extra christmas pack how strange
Ps not being racist I'm being observation IST
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