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more maths from Dianne Abbott !
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TOPIC: more maths from Dianne Abbott !
In The Know

more maths from Dianne Abbott ! 7 Years, 4 Months ago  
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Re:more maths from Dianne Abbott ! 7 Years, 4 Months ago  
At least the Labour front bench are going out there being seen to answer questions from the media and public.

The Tories seem to be in hiding! Has anyone seen Teresa May recently?
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In The Know

Re:more maths from Dianne Abbott ! 7 Years, 4 Months ago  
Oh dear ... been reading the Momentum mail-outs, have we?

Jeremy Fruitcake only appears in front of bused-in loonies (all naturally holding the same placard !)

They learn how to do this when they ran those "marches" (day trips) in London as the Stop The War Coalition (a front for selling Socialist Worker communist newspapers !). ALL the participants were bused in FREE

.... and had a jolly good day out waving placards (supplied) and chanting.
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Re:more maths from Dianne Abbott ! 7 Years, 4 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
Oh dear ... been reading the Momentum mail-outs, have we?

Jeremy Fruitcake only appears in front of bused-in loonies (all naturally holding the same placard !)

They learn how to do this when they ran those "marches" (day trips) in London as the Stop The War Coalition (a front for selling Socialist Worker communist newspapers !). ALL the participants were bused in FREE

.... and had a jolly good day out waving placards (supplied) and chanting.

In answer to your question (which I don't think is serious) I have never in my life read a Momentum mail-out.

Have you? Possibly you should, as it least they would give you a countervailing voice to the undisguised Tory from your great 'free meeja' (Best in the World!!) from the Mail, Daily Telegraph, and Sun or whatever other reich wing rags you read.
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Re:more maths from Dianne Abbott ! 7 Years, 4 Months ago  
Not unusual for any employer to help with transport home.

What utter bollocks Abbott, the people who gave me a lift home were so very good co-workers, even then they just offered.
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Re:more maths from Dianne Abbott ! 7 Years, 4 Months ago  

God forbid if Labour win.
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In The Know

Re:more maths from Dianne Abbott ! 7 Years, 4 Months ago  
tdf wrote:
I have never in my life read a Momentum mail-out.

Have you?

Oh, yes, I've read them !
You have to be "In The Know" to understand fully the dangers we face from the Socialist-Worker-Fruitcake-Commies that would destroy our society given an opportunity.

Quite laughable really - while the rest of the world is ditching communism as fast as it can, they are trying to "sell" it to us here.

Have you not noticed how the lives of the Chinese have improved immeasurably since they adopted Capitalism?
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