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TOPIC: Gender Pay Gap
Gender Pay Gap 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
When will men get paid the same as women for giving birth?
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Re:Gender Pay Gap 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
I'm with Liddle on this - see today's S Times - pay people what you as employer think they are worth in the marketplace. Thatcher was a good PM not because she was a woman; May is a terrible one but not because she's a woman. I think Chris Evans is a terrible broadcaster but I don't run the BBC or I'd be reshowing Entertainment USA and No Limits.
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Re:Gender Pay Gap 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
JK2006 wrote:
I'm with Liddle on this - see today's S Times - pay people what you as employer think they are worth in the marketplace. Thatcher was a good PM not because she was a woman; May is a terrible one but not because she's a woman. I think Chris Evans is a terrible broadcaster but I don't run the BBC or I'd be reshowing Entertainment USA and No Limits.

Could you buy the rights to your shows ?
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Re:Gender Pay Gap 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
JK2006 wrote:
I'm with Liddle on this - see today's S Times - pay people what you as employer think they are worth in the marketplace. Thatcher was a good PM not because she was a woman; May is a terrible one but not because she's a woman. I think Chris Evans is a terrible broadcaster but I don't run the BBC or I'd be reshowing Entertainment USA and No Limits.

Considering the popularity of those "it was ok in the seventies" type of shows, a then and now version of Entertainment USA might do very well.
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