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TOPIC: Darling...
Darling... 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
Interesting interview with Alasdair Darling in the Times; he comes across as very grounded and possibly a decent Chancellor. Certainly seems to be onside as far as Brexit is concerned, as most intelligent people are.
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Re:Darling... 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Certainly seems to be onside as far as Brexit is concerned, as most intelligent people are

And onside is remaining in an increasingly problematical and decaying Union - with other members also contemplating exiting?

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Re:Darling... 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
I'm not so sure the EU is decaying; it seems to be growing stronger. The Euro is worth far more than the pound is these days.
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Re:Darling... 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
Belgium, Cyprus, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain all have National Debts over 100% of GDP.

Of the rest, only 5 countries have been capable of reducing their Debt - since 2012.

The UK was not one of the 5; Tory led governments haven't reduced the spiraling Debt (+£1b, in 7years) for over 30 years.

Decaying - I should coco¡¿

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Re:Darling... 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
I'm not convinced by this debt thing. I like Corbyn.
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Re:Darling... 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
The borrower is servant to the lender - Bible

Interest grows without rain - Yiddish proverb

UK now owes nearly £2 trillion - the majority borrowed in the last 7 years, by the Tories

Be convinced...

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