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Once again, I agree with Corbyn
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TOPIC: Once again, I agree with Corbyn
Once again, I agree with Corbyn 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
We must stop this generalisation. If some abusers happen to be Eskimos, why blacken the race?
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In The Know

Re:Once again, I agree with Corbyn 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
Because NONE of the abusers are Eskimos, and

ALL are Pakis !
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Re:Once again, I 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
In The Know wrote:
ALL are Pakis !

it's sad and unfortunate to have read that comment

which could only be made by a troubled bigot
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Re:Once again, I 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
I think ITK is saying "all" rhetorically.

It is true to say that there is a model of systematic child abuse on a very very large scale that is practiced almost exclusively by men of Pakistani origin.

There also seems to be an inverse relationship between the gravity of the abuse and the resources assigned to investigate and prosecute it. The Pakistani gang model seems reliably to include violent coercion, hard drugs, kidnapping and underage prostitution, yet received very little police attention for years. Contrast that with the son et lumiere put on for (alleged) bum pinchers from the 70s.
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In The Know

Re:Once again, I 7 Years, 1 Month ago  
Randall wrote:
I think ITK is saying "all" rhetorically.

It is true to say that there is a model of systematic child abuse on a very very large scale that is practiced almost exclusively by men of Pakistani origin.

There also seems to be an inverse relationship between the gravity of the abuse and the resources assigned to investigate and prosecute it. The Pakistani gang model seems reliably to include violent coercion, hard drugs, kidnapping and underage prostitution, yet received very little police attention for years.

Yes, and the refusal to accept there is a problem - fear of being called racist etc - is perpetuated further by the refusal to accept that the problem exists.

Pakistani girls are kept virtually "locked-up" until marriage, so their availability is not a choice ... whereas white girls are seen as "easy meat", and freely available.
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