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54 year later - it is still going on
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TOPIC: 54 year later - it is still going on
54 year later - it is still going on 7 Years ago  
Do the CCRC really believe our broken judicial system has improved? From today's Guardian about Stephen Ward...

Geoffrey Robertson QC, representing the family, said in a statement: “The Ward trial was an appalling manipulation of justice by police, politicians and judges caught up in a moral panic. It is mysterious – suspicious, almost – that every copy of the transcript of the wretchedly biased summing up has gone missing.

“I’m glad the CCRC accepts that the verdict would probably be quashed today. But I do not accept its argument that over the 54 years since Dr Ward’s trial there have been significant improvements in police and media practice – just look at the witch-hunt against Ted Heath and Lord Bramall, after the recent moral panic over Jimmy Saville.

“Incredibly, the government still maintains this censorship over historical truth, about a prosecution that was really a persecution.”
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