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TOPIC: George Michael and Sony
George Michael and Sony 6 Years, 11 Months ago  
This might seem more appropriate on the Tipsheet forum but I don't think George's music was as important as the destruction a person can do on his own life. I was never a big fan - personally I found him vain, self obsessed and fake. We clashed once (over The Brits) but we never had much personal connection - neither of us was the other's kind of person. I was and am in a strange position - both a behind the scenes executive, copyright owner, producer and a creative performer, writer, composer. But I always hated the way artistes took everything, signed anything, promised the world but, if they succeeded, reneged on the entire thing. They always believed they were the sole and only reason for their success whereas, in reality, they were and still are only a tiny ingredient.
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Re:George Michael and Sony 6 Years, 11 Months ago  
As the incredibly self indulgent show finished I had a two word feeling (which I always had about George)... silly boy.
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Re:George Michael and Sony 6 Years, 11 Months ago  
I think similarly and I worked on his pr at one stage.

By contrast I just watched an excellent documentary on Michael Hutchence who I knew and thought was a most unusual rock star in that he was intelligent and an easy person to get on with.

# one thing I learned which I never knew before : Hutchence was attacked outside a Paris hotel by a creep and knocked to the ground where he hit the back of his head.

As a result he lost all sense of taste and smell.

Can you imagine how horrendous that would be? Couldn't taste his food and had others describe the taste of the wine as drank it.

Also why the Biggest Bore on the planet Bob Geldorf should never be forgiven for preventing Hutchence family members from ever seeing Tiger Lilly including Michael's dad Kel who he worshiped.
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Re:George Michael and Sony 6 Years, 11 Months ago  
It is interesting how different many artistes are from their image - those of us lucky enough to have met many of them know the reality. Believing the media image is a mistake but one easily made. The media is more subconsciously powerful than people like to admit. I remember once in prison an intelligent inmate said to me "I never believe a single thing in the papers" and I replied "so you don't believe Dudley More just died?" which had happened that day, to which he replied "that's different".
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Robert Reed

Re:George Michael and Sony 6 Years, 11 Months ago  
It's 'Dudley Moore' not 'Dudley More', Jonathan!
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Re:George Michael and Sony 6 Years, 11 Months ago  
For some reason your correction got bumped by the Spam filter but another Board Keeper spotted it and saved you! You're quite right. MOORE not More.
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In The Know

Re:George Michael and Sony 6 Years, 11 Months ago  
Oh, the irony !

Despite all the moans about Sony ... the film starts Sony Music Entertainment presents a film by George Michael !
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Re:George Michael and Sony 6 Years, 11 Months ago  
Yes that made me smile too ITK.
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