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Spam 6 Years, 7 Months ago  
I just got this Spam message on my e mail

Rebecca ★★★★★ "I really feel like I'm producting a restaurant-style meal when I serve a SimplyCook meal"

Do the Spammers think all recipients read this rubbish before deleting it? Why do they bother?
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Re:Spam 6 Years, 7 Months ago  
You delete it!?

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Re:Spam 6 Years, 7 Months ago  
Most people now have blockers and I'm surprised your use of the word let it go through. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc all have words you can put in to block posts before they go up and that is the first word most choose. As for Emails, I'm not sure, but spammers count on the fact that perhaps 1% gets through and is read and that tiny percent, when taken in ration to millions sent out, have an effect. It was always the same with print, TV advertising etc. Most is ignored but the tiny amount has a big impact. And many sites also now have advanced blockers to remove spam and trolls before they go through.
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