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TOPIC: Europe supports the UK !
In The Know

Europe supports the UK ! 6 Years, 6 Months ago  
A "large number" of EU countries are set to impose tougher sanctions on Russia after the Salisbury poisoning.
Member states are said to be considering a range of measures - including expelling diplomats - to take effect on Monday.

France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark and the Czech Republic have all warned of further action.

It is understood nations including France, Estonia, Poland and Lithuania are preparing to expel Russian diplomats or spies posing as diplomats from their countries."Coordinated measures" will be announced "very shortly", French President Emmanuel Macron announced.

all above from -

Exactly as I said they would (I will let you know if I am ever wrong .... lol !)
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Re:Europe is ambivalent... 6 Years, 6 Months ago  
Many of the countries mentioned have good reason to sabre-rattle - like Ireland, who just want to show how strongly they stand behind the UK.

But only for Brexit purposes, because Ireland has major commercial links with Russia - who have a powerful mafia, based in posh Dublin 4.

For example, Shannon Airport could shut down without Russian support. All Russian aircraft refuel there (usually in the middle of the night) on the way to Cuba etc.

In Shannon also, the Russians have a large private area - with massive hangers - which has been the subject of great media scrutiny.

Very soon, Ireland will become very quite on this issue - like all relevant others...

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Re:Europe is ambivalent... 6 Years, 6 Months ago  
ITK is a big fan of hot air, Spee.
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Re:Europe is ambivalent... 6 Years, 6 Months ago  
Looking at ITK's list of 'usual suspects' - the logic of each is crystal clear

Latvia for example (not a major footballing nation) would hardly support Russia's morris dancing team

Bearing in mind their histories - which includes the forceable annexation of one by the other

For want of a better expression...

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The Russians Did It! 6 Years, 6 Months ago  
The Russian Embassy in the US has suggested that Russian diplomats may be "guilty" of snowfalls in the US because of the general tendency to blame Russia for everything.
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In The Know

Re:Europe supports the UK ! 6 Years, 6 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
A "large number" of EU countries are set to impose tougher sanctions on Russia after the Salisbury poisoning.
Member states are said to be considering a range of measures - including expelling diplomats - to take effect on Monday.

France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark and the Czech Republic have all warned of further action.

I said here -,co...,2/id,175026/#175026 - that the deniers will all be out (all three of them !!!!)

Some people are STILL waiting for proof about Hitler !!!!
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