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TOPIC: Pygmalion

Pygmalion 6 Years, 5 Months ago  
Wonderful original film pre My Fair Lady with Wendy Hiller (one of my favourite actresses - her scene in A Man For All Seasons with Scofield was my favourite ever film scene). Good old Talking Pictures TV.
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Re:Pygmalion 6 Years, 5 Months ago  
Yes that discussion - between PS and WH - was brilliant.

An intellectual genius explaining (to his wife) how an uneducated but thoroughly honest and decent woman was so important to him.

Some ignore - or fail to understand - the role and influence of others, in our lives.

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Re:Pygmalion 6 Years, 5 Months ago  
1938 budget - £87K - Wow!
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Re:Pygmalion 6 Years, 5 Months ago  
To this day, having seen it dozens of times, the Goodbye scene has me sobbing with tears. It and King Lear; they get to me every time.
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Re:Pygmalion 6 Years, 5 Months ago  
In The Man - there was also a truly magnificent villain and uncompromising foe.

Cromwell was fanatical and jealousy despised More's intellect, logic and sound legal argument.

In the movie, Cromwell was played by the also magnificent Australian actor - Leo (Rumple) McKern.

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Re:Pygmalion 6 Years, 5 Months ago  
And John Hurt wonderful too as Richie!
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Re:Pygmalion 6 Years, 5 Months ago  

- "but for Wales?" -

Thankfully political bribery doesn't exist now...

(although the Tory/DUP few billion deal might make some wonder!)
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