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TOPIC: The upskirting law block
The upskirting law block 6 Years, 3 Months ago  
What reason would anyone have to block it?
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Re:The upskirting law block 6 Years, 3 Months ago  
The MP who blocked it seems a bit out of touch but he apparently makes a habit of doing this.

"Sir Christopher has yet to speak out about why he blocked the bill but upskirting victim Gina Martin - who started the campaign for the new law - said he had told her he objected to it "on principle" because it "wasn't debated".

She also told the BBC that he said he "wasn't really sure" what upskirting was.

"I said, 'well, I can help you with that'," Ms Martin added."

Sir Christopher is a leading member of a group of backbench Conservatives who make a practice of ensuring that what they see as well-meaning but flabby legislation is not lazily plopped on to the statute book by a few MPs on a poorly attended Friday sitting.
And after all this is a bill to create a new criminal offence, for which people can go to jail.

So, however worthy the cause, he insists on proper, extensive scrutiny, and he has spent most Commons Fridays for the last 20 years doing just that.
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Re:The upskirting law block 6 Years, 3 Months ago  
Good for him. I am pleased he blocked it. An MP did the right thing for once, upskirting like all "sexual offences" should not be a crime.
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