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TOPIC: Beatrix: transgender rant

Beatrix: transgender rant 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
I've dubbed her "Britain's Most Annoying Lefty" although there are numerous worthy candidates.

From Beatrix Campbell that gave us the fantasy of Satanic Ritual Abuse (and blindly accepted every morsel written about Jimmy Savile as true) comes this mind bending rant about transgender politics.

My view can be whatever damned sex you want to be..I mean where is the Bloody Rule Box that says otherwise?

## Fittingly she is a Green.that is, who invariably hold the Balance of Power in the elected Upper House and go from strength to strength as the the "left" and the "right" have to negotiate with them as they ensure no truly damaging policy gets passed.

But what is the point o the UK Greens? Useless.

The Challenor case is an arrow to the heart of Britain’s twisted sexual politics.
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