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I'm marching for a second referendum
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TOPIC: I'm marching for a second referendum
I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
which, I'm sure, would see 80% choose to stay in the EU, stop this incredible waste of effort and money, and drop Brexit now. Actually, as I said to a lady whilst having my eyes tested today, I'm too old to march (no toilets). But I'm there in spirit. Bugger Brexit as another King once almost said.
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
I thought you were 'out' JK šŸ˜…
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Out of the closet and into Europe from a very early age!
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Remainers are good for a laugh ... and Delia Smith is so persuasive.

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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
How seriously should we take a video by a foreigner criticising foreigners (and British nationals) for having an opinion on British policy?

"Iā€™m now often asked to comment on issues relating to self defence, counter-terrorism, being pro-Israel in Australia and the Jewish community in Melbourne."

And now he's an authority on Brexit too!
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Not to say that foreigners aren't entitled to a view on British policy, but for an Australian who lives in Australia to be criticising Brits living in the UK, Europeans living in the UK and even possibly Europeans living in the EU for having a view on Brexit is a bit rich!
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Yes, it's not like we ever see the BBC going to Australia to ask the Australians questions on their affairs.

Maybe, all questions should be vetted before they can be asked, to save possible embarrassment, but it does seem that some people who go on these marches don't really know why they are there. It reminds me of Citizen Smith when he thought he was on a march for workers rights but found out that it was really for gay rights.
Then there is Rent-a-Mob, who turn up for all marches regardless.

It was a day out for most people. Something to tell their grandchildren. "I was there! I've still got thousands of selfies to prove it."
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Silent Minority

Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Surprised you never mentioned the vastly inflated attendance claims Jonathan.....politics was never the strong point of some here on this board...
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
I didn't have time to do a head count but there looked like a lot of people to me.
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Silent Minority

Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
I didn't have time to do a head count but there looked like a lot of people to me.

Estimated by plodge at 150k... not the 700k touted.
The left has always been good at getting peeps to demonstrations...the PC brigade has also been very good at stuffing Electoral boards with retainers making biased decisions about the referendum..none of which deterred the good people of this nation from voting the way the thought best.
Funny thing many missed about the so called people's vote...the same peeps opposed the first vote...then predicted the very project fear that proved a joke...then spent a year or so insulting the voters for not bring clever enough to understand the issues...then after a remained led government messed up an election and the negotiations then saw opinion swing they now demand democracy. ..who would bet that if there was a second vote resulting in remain that a year down the line when the same problems that led to us leaving returned that they would champion another vote?
Your fake belief in democracy is a shame Jonathan. soon as the vote went your way there would never be another vote...we waited since 1975 for this vote....even though opinion polls were oFrench pro leave in thar time...jumping on the democracy bandwagon does you no credit....
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Democracy doesn't work.
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Silent Minority

Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Democracy doesn't work.

Yes it just doesn't get the results you want. you just think it does not works better than any other system...nothing is perfect...but it does protect us from intelligent people who think they know better.
Sorry the spellchecker ruined my last post...on a phone in heathrow....and my eyes are not what they were.
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Hopefully intelligent people do know better - that should be why we elect them but sadly, as democracy doesn't work, people tend to vote for good hair, white teeth, bright smiles... As they vote for simplistic slogans without considering the consequences.
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Silent Minority wrote:
[quote]JK2006 wrote:
...then spent a year or so insulting the voters for not bring clever enough to understand the issues...
A lot of the comments I've seen posted by Brexit supporters on pro-Remain Facebook pages (e.g. Scientists for EU, Reasons2Remain) are illiterate and peddling lies about the EU. It's natural to conclude from that that many Leave voters are ill-informed or even a bit thick.

Then there are all the people in the EU who Googled "What is the EU?" after the polls closed. How many of their votes do we need to thank for Brexit?
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Correction: "Then there are all the people in the UK who Googled "What is the EU?" after the polls closed."
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
My preferred constitutional model is a benign dictatorship such as that so productively enjoyed by Augustus. My preferred dictator would be a sensitive highly intelligent person such as myself. None of this leaving the EU nonsense would have been put out to a plebiscite...
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Silent Minority

Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Jo wrote:
[quote]Silent Minority wrote:
JK2006 wrote:
...then spent a year or so insulting the voters for not bring clever enough to understand the issues...
A lot of the comments I've seen posted by Brexit supporters on pro-Remain Facebook pages (e.g. Scientists for EU, Reasons2Remain) are illiterate and peddling lies about the EU. It's natural to conclude from that that many Leave voters are ill-informed or even a bit thick.

Then there are all the people in the EU who Googled "What is the EU?" after the polls closed. How many of their votes do we need to thank for Brexit?

Thick would have been supporting us joining the euro currency...or estimating emregency budgets after a successful leave vote.
European popularity is falling fast amongst it's citizens's past its peak and failing fast.
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
PaulB wrote:
Remainers are good for a laugh ... and Delia Smith is so persuasive.

the ghastly right-wing Avi Yemini is possibly the most hated person in both Sydney and Melbourne Jewish communities (which actually comprise more Jews than the UK).

like many ethnic communities they tend to live within the same areas and Oz Jews are no different (I find the criticisms of "ghettos" to be so ridiculous and inane).

Yemini has been severely criticized by Oz Jewish community leaders for being the reason they have received antisemitic attacks due to plonkers thinking Yemini, being Jewish, somehow represents all Jews.

Disappointing to see lightweights like Julia Hartley-Brewer on (Murdoch's) talkRADIO promoting Yemini's idiotic, carefully edited videos (filmed among 700,000 marchers), as thigh-slapping humour when she has mindlessly attacked Jeremy Corbyn on alleged Labour antisemitism in the past.
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Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Interesting insights about Avi Yemini, hedda!

Silent Minority wrote:
European popularity is falling fast amongst it's citizens's past its peak and failing fast.
Reuters says the opposite.

Poll shows support for EU at 35-year high across bloc

Probably best to ignore this, though, if you prefer right-wing claptrap!
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Silent Minority

Re:I'm marching for a second referendum 5 Years, 11 Months ago  
Jo wrote:
Interesting insights about Avi Yemini, hedda!

Silent Minority wrote:
European popularity is falling fast amongst it's citizens's past its peak and failing fast.
Reuters says the opposite.

Poll shows support for EU at 35-year high across bloc

Probably best to ignore this, though, if you prefer right-wing claptrap!

I do apologise that I can't research on a small phone with terrible Internet.
There were some inaccuracies in that paper. ..for example check their date for the Brexit referendum...I have seen it before...different papers have given their views...which have of course depended on their own beliefs...get into the actual results and it changes..for example 50% feel the blocal is going the wrong way...any way a proper response when home...but I was referring to a longer term for popularity...say 20 years...and I'm sure support was far higher then.
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