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TOPIC: Not a false accusation
Not a false accusation 5 Years, 9 Months ago  
But equally shocking. Maybe it is caused by a similar mental condition? (or greed?)
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Re:Not a false accusation 5 Years, 9 Months ago  
Reminds me of Kirk McIntyre when a teenager who conned dozens of Walton residents by saying his mother had terminal cancer; she had to phone all donors and tell them it was a lie. Kirk went on, years later, to invent his lies about me (we had never met) - prompted by Max Clifford - which provoked the Surrey Police fiasco of 18 years ago. I had several still living Walton residents prepared to come to court to verify that.
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Re:Not a false accusation 5 Years, 9 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Reminds me of Kirk McIntyre when a teenager who conned dozens of Walton residents by saying his mother had terminal cancer; she had to phone all donors and tell them it was a lie. Kirk went on, years later, to invent his lies about me (we had never met) - prompted by Max Clifford - which provoked the Surrey Police fiasco of 18 years ago. I had several still living Walton residents prepared to come to court to verify that.

And it must be so much easier to fake your own serious illness, seen as medical records are confidential.

I see that Meghan Markle's father's illness which was said to be imaginary, turned out to be true after all!
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