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TOPIC: Alex Salmond and Bundling
Alex Salmond and Bundling 5 Years, 8 Months ago  
A further example of British Police adding loads of stupid and hopeless charges that get dropped before trial but poisons Juror's minds with media publicity (cops know just how to use media). And it may be "inappropriate" to make comment on the News - but why? What is inappropriate in giving an opinion? 14 charges? Bollocks I reckon but let us see. If Alex Salmond is reading this (who isn't?) and would like to tap my experience on how to beat false allegations (remember - he must be presumed innocent unless or until proven guilty and often, sadly, even afterwards) - get in touch. For a start I'll give you contact to a Private Investigator who will find incredible shit on the liars (who, in law, must be presumed lying until or unless proved to be telling the truth).
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Re:Alex Salmond and Bundling 5 Years, 8 Months ago  
His e-mail address is on his website.
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Silent Minority

Re:Alex Salmond and Bundling 5 Years, 8 Months ago  
Made establishment enemies when he worked for RT News....wonder how much disclosure evidence will 'occidentally' not make it to his brief?
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Re:Alex Salmond and Bundling 5 Years, 7 Months ago  
All hell appears to have broken out as media folk have seen my suggestion that I may pass on contacts to Lawyers and Private Investigators to Alex Salmond. He needs a good PI to find out all the evidence that many of his False Accusers (we must presume him innocent unless proven otherwise in a Court of Law) were provoked to invent claims by the media coverage some time ago (British Police LOVE to use media for this; as I tried to explain to the Leveson Inquiry some years ago - something that provoked hatred from both police and media). He needs good lawyers to spot the masses of Failures To Disclose (as mentioned above) that police will deliberately conceal from his defence team (and my team know EXACTLY how to find that).
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