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TOPIC: Sod off Mark and Spencer!
Sod off Mark and Spencer! 5 Years, 7 Months ago  
Lengthy rant alert...

This afternoon I went into M&S to stock up on basic clothes.
I wanted thermal t-shirts and leggings, which apparently are not in stock because they are "seasonal" (in January)

I chose four dresses, Two of which were thin cotton for summer, but it is the "right" season for those, and come June, They will only be selling ski suits and the thermals I wanted today.
NONE of the dresses were in my size, which is a (very porky) 14.

I think it is the most common UK size. Okay, it might sell out quickest but wouldn't you think they would notice and keep more in?
The assistant suggested I try online,

I found a pair of cashmere jogging bottoms on the sale rail. No price tag.
After a lengthy wait in the queue while the only available assistant told her friend everything I didnt want to know about Richard E Grant, I was reluctantly told the price and that they were non returnable! Why???
I didnt bother.

This was in one of what they laughingly call their flagship stores.
I give them three years. If that.
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Re:Sod off Mark and Spencer! 5 Years, 7 Months ago  
I feel your pain..having run a successful store on The Kings Road ( when it was interesting and mattered) for many years and the only reason we had to close was when the lease was finally up the new rent demanded was exorbitant.

I learnt how to sell in the USA. I learnt how stores in the USA don't just have what you want..they have it 50 DIFFERENT F*CKING COLOURS AND SIZES.

There is nothing more depressing to find what you want online...the exact service or thing you were looking for..and realize it's in frigging Tennessee (and every other state) and you forgot to set your Google to local.

Australian shops are the same. They just don't get it having learnt from their British overlords.
Americans know how to market things.

## and don't start on sizing.. I hear this complaint endlessly about the Oz branches of Top Shop , Zara etc etc. I now realize they make their sizes for a largely Asian market of 100,000s of tiny local girls & blokes.

Difficult when you are big and butch like me.
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Re:Sod off Mark and Spencer! 5 Years, 7 Months ago  
honey!oh sugar sugar. wrote:
Lengthy rant alert...

This afternoon I went into M&S to stock up on basic clothes.
I wanted thermal t-shirts and leggings, which apparently are not in stock because they are "seasonal" (in January)

I chose four dresses, Two of which were thin cotton for summer, but it is the "right" season for those, and come June, They will only be selling ski suits and the thermals I wanted today.
NONE of the dresses were in my size, which is a (very porky) 14.

I think it is the most common UK size. Okay, it might sell out quickest but wouldn't you think they would notice and keep more in?
The assistant suggested I try online,

I found a pair of cashmere jogging bottoms on the sale rail. No price tag.
After a lengthy wait in the queue while the only available assistant told her friend everything I didnt want to know about Richard E Grant, I was reluctantly told the price and that they were non returnable! Why???
I didnt bother.

This was in one of what they laughingly call their flagship stores.
I give them three years. If that.

Sounds very frustrating. I don't really shop in M&S for clothes any more as I think the quality has deteriorated. I prefer John Lewis, e.g. their own brand. Their sale items are returnable (at least online).
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