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TOPIC: Donald Trump
Donald Trump 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
I have a terrible problem. Despite disagreeing with most of his policies I'm starting to respect Donald Trump. Partly because so many go to the extremes to run him down (as with Corbyn, Ken Livingstone and others - which often only succeeds in getting me to vote for people I'd never normally support). Partly because some of his policies actually make sense (trade with China, for example; I tend to think he's doing the right thing). But mainly because his irritating, childish and annoying behaviour is rather refreshing. Just because someone is President should not stop him making mistakes, having tantrums and tweeting in illiterate fashion. Just because someone is in the White House (or No10) doesn't mean they must behave like charming image protectors. One of the reasons I've always liked Cliff Richard is because, in person, he swears like a trooper. Just because I disagreed with Maggie Thatcher (and told her so) on numerous things doesn't stop me from liking her enormously as a person and admiring her courage and work ethic. Rupert Murdoch - as Hedda knows - I can see and despise the bad things but, in person, he's charming, articulate and great company. In prison I met murderers who had done terrible deeds yet were entertaining and decent in many ways. Caricature existence is fine for the media and acceptable for people with few functioning brain cells but I find, more and more, that complexity is interesting. So, as Trump comes to the UK, I applaud a man who has been incredibly successful (how? God knows - often I don't like to examine too closely); refuses to conform; won't take shit from opponents without answering back and I think we, as a country, should welcome him with open arms, win him over and try to get him to soften his approach on things like building walls and approving gun culture.
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
Wrong on every aspect but too complicated to discuss.

JK being contrary again.

Of course I'm prejudiced against the creep because he's owed me 3000 dollars for 10 years. I think claiming he's some sort of rebel against tradition is bullshit and contrary to him not taking shit from anyone those who know him says he's petrified of what forces may consume him but is good with bluster which apparently works for many people.
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
I knew you'd disagree Hedda but you'll come around as you have on Maggie and Murdoch! We don't have to agree with them or even like them but we can, grudgingly, admire them.
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
I knew you'd disagree Hedda but you'll come around as you have on Maggie and Murdoch! We don't have to agree with them or even like them but we can, grudgingly, admire them.

shurley shome mishtake ?

My views on Murdoch & Maggie haven't changed.
..he manipulated the latest Oz election and it worked.

but now I hear his son & heir Lachlan is even worse and more right wing that Rupert who was mainly in it for the money whereas Lachlan apparently believes in right wingism.

## very odd Lachlan has moved back to Sydney for a few years and taken up residence in his hilltop mansion in Bellevue Hill ( 10 minutes from me ) (knocked down a couple of neighbours houses to extend his garden at a cost of about $15M)

What is up he to?. Rupert has largely given up running the show..they say that head injury he recently had on his boat was far worse than reported.
And the younger son James is apparently holds the opposite political views to Lachlan and abhors Fox News.
# I like Jerry though.

## as far Maggie- yes met her once and was amazed how petite she was and with the most beautiful skin..Cate Blanchett the only other I've encountered with that porcelain like flawless patina.

Hated her politics and I say she is to blame for all Britain's woes...aided by Tony Blair of course.
I still say..she was mad !

### when I did publicity work for the ghastly Donald Trump's Miss Universe contest all those years ago (never met him ) which even he said was the most amazing publicity the event has ever got..and of course it was as I secured front pages around the world..with just ten days work...those who worked for him..5 drinks at night dropped their guard and to a man/woman said he was the most atrocious person they had ever worked for and they hated his guts.

All said they hoped working for him would mean they could go on to better jobs but kept finding that..especially in New York..Trump was so hated as a creep who never paid his bills..that when they applied for new jobs they were soon shown the door.
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
I'll concede this though...I doubt BREXIT would ever ever have happened under Maggie !!!
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
MCR wrote:

well he's a complete Dead Shit (lovely Colonial insult) and is largely disliked DownUnder where he seems to live half the time.
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
Trump has done well

A few successes:-

China was confronted and their regime forced to negotiate fairly

Unemployment is down, GDP has risen - and the stock market has had a series of all time highs

Syria was exited, with the smashing of the ISIS Caliphate

The Iran nuclear deal ended; the US is committed to preventing nuclearisation

Immigration on the Southern border has reduced by about 40%

Record oil production has been achieved - surpassing that of Russia and Saudi Arabia

Not bad, I think...

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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
Barney wrote:
Trump has done well

A few successes:-

China was confronted and their regime forced to negotiate fairly

Unemployment is down, GDP has risen - and the stock market has had a series of all time highs

Syria was exited, with the smashing of the ISIS Caliphate

The Iran nuclear deal ended; the US is committed to preventing nuclearisation

Immigration on the Southern border has reduced by about 40%

Record oil production has been achieved - surpassing that of Russia and Saudi Arabia

Not bad, I think...

Record oil production equals excelerated climate change which Donald Trump doesn't believe in.

Forcing tariffs on China will result in higher prices for Chinese goods which will result in lower standards of living. GDP has risen, what does this mean at the end of the day. Big business has done well (i.e. 1% of the people have become richer at the expense of 99%).
Peoples quality of life has gone down dramatically which is the main thing, lets hope that he is removed next year.
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
But - in 2018 - business investment increased by 8.4%.

Corporate taxation reduced from 35% to 21%!

And 66% of US federal taxpayers now pay less tax.

Trump is going anywhere soon...

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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
isn't* ...
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Re:Donald Trump 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
Barney wrote:
Trump has done well

A few successes:-

China was confronted and their regime forced to negotiate fairly

Unemployment is down, GDP has risen - and the stock market has had a series of all time highs

Syria was exited, with the smashing of the ISIS Caliphate

The Iran nuclear deal ended; the US is committed to preventing nuclearisation

Immigration on the Southern border has reduced by about 40%

Record oil production has been achieved - surpassing that of Russia and Saudi Arabia

Not bad, I think...

Yet, so many prefer to insult him.

Radical, unsophisticated and direct - maybe.

But he's just doing what he said he'd do.

Prior to his election.

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