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TOPIC: Rolf liar dead!

Re:Rolf liar dead! 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
A few days ago, I tried to post a comment on the article in Honey's original post. It said that Rolf's conviction for groping Wendy Wild was overturned at appeal. The disco where she said it happened was a complete fabrication on her part, as new evidence demonstrated.

The comment hasn't been published.
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Re:Rolf liar dead! 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
Probably Spam filtered out Randall; it does remove posts that seem to have come from a proxy or spam URL and I think gets confused every now and then (don't we all?).
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Sheba Bear

Re:Rolf liar dead! 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
I have taken a leaf out of Jo's book and have also tried to complain to the Manchester Evening News.

If you go to the very bottom of the page there's a 'How To Complain' option, which brings up this:

If you notice a factual inaccuracy in The Manchester Evening News that does not directly relate to you, please email

But when you copy the email address and paste it on to the email it mysteriously changes to "" <>

I've tried sending my complaint to both of these, only to have them rejected along with a not-very-encouraging message, "It might be misspelled or it might not exist."

I am beginning to have my doubts about the Manchester Evening News.
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Re:Rolf liar dead! 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
I clicked on the "Contact us" link and e-mailed the address shown here, i.e., and it wasn't rejected.
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Sheba Bear

Re:Rolf liar dead! 5 Years, 3 Months ago  
Thank you, Jo - it has gone through this time.
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