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TOPIC: Do please watch these...
Do please watch these... 5 Years, 2 Months ago  
One of the many silver linings to my 2015 arrest has been meeting dozens of people who suffered similar experiences to mine from 2000 - back then it was extraordinary and unusual; now the epidemic has exploded.

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Re:Do please watch these... 5 Years, 2 Months ago  
The false allegations epidemic is part of a wider soul-loss epidemic. Those who ignore the falsely accused and homeless, treating others as aliens not worthy of consideration and kindness, are really showing, more than anything else, their own blocked-off-from-their-own-source inner states of mind.
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Re:Do please watch these... 5 Years, 2 Months ago  
Yes, it is pretty shocking what has happened to these people. They were treated terribly by the plod and the justice system. They were eventually found not guilty, however their names have been dragged through the mud and in the case of Steve he lost £94,000 defending his case whilst the complainant got £20,000 compensation just because the cops thought it serious enough to investigate.

However we shouldn't forget the fact that according to statistics most rapes go unpunished, and most accusers are not false. Anyone shouting out false allegation for every case is just losing credability for true false allegations.
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Re:Do please watch these... 5 Years, 2 Months ago  
Ah Robbie that's what I suspect is not correct; most "rapes" are not rapes but definitions have changed over the years, memories are affected, circumstances imagined or inflated (often due to media coverage). There are so many confusing differences and misunderstandings. Drink and drugs cause problems. Stupidity, foolishness, rejection. We've gone from one extreme to the other; the tragedy years ago was many genuine victims either not being believed or not daring to speak out. But now it's gone the other way and fantasies have become the norm.
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Re:Do please watch these... 5 Years, 2 Months ago  
Having sex with someone and then regretting it is not rape. Having sex with someone because you feel that you ought to is also not rape. Sometimes these can be interpreted as rape.
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