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TOPIC: Sea Changes

Sea Changes 5 Years ago  
With some notable exceptions, these massive transformations don't work.

Different races coming together - with hugely diverse backgrounds, educations, occupations, social statuses, friends, religions, interests etc. - and from two continents.

An actress and a prince. Both are probably fine people (one a modest TV actress/the other a well paid hand shaker) - but the omens aren't good, for Meghan and Harry.

I wish them well - but remember a former King, who also married an American divorcee.

Like another current prince, Edward 8 (our former King) also spent a lot of time in Palm Springs, mingling with the wealthy - and it didn't really end too well.

For him, or his American spouse - who, like Meghan, wasn't exactly embraced warmly into the firm...

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Re:Sea Changes 5 Years ago  
I don't have the impression that Meghan hasn't been welcomed into The Firm. Charles walked her up the aisle, for example, and from photos I've seen she and they look happy in each other's company.
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