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TOPIC: PPI and sex claims
PPI and sex claims 5 Years ago  
I think these two are firmly linked; both illustrate a similar approach; the encourage criminality. People who lost no money at all with PPI are encouraged to lie so these rogue companies can claim and collect for you. Normal, honest, well behaved people who would never nick a lamb chop from a butchers are convinced that a little lie for big profits is fine. Likewise the law has decreed; lie about sex abuse and you can make thousands in compensation because you will be believed in this climate of the presumption of guilt.
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Re:PPI and sex claims 5 Years ago  
It was the same with compensation for fake whiplash injuries, until a crackdown on the scam a few years ago.

The sex abuse scam is a much better trick because you don't need to stage a crash or get a doctor's certificate or anything.
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Re:PPI and sex claims 5 Years ago  
Spot on Randall.
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Re:PPI and sex claims 5 Years ago  
Payment Protection Insurance is different, although I agree there has become an industry for rogue agents to make bogus claims - on behalf of clients.

Large companies - mainly banks - illegally insisted that borrowers took out (and paid for) the protection, before a loan was granted.

Totally black and white; you either had it or you didn't - and the loan statement will usually evidence what happened.

False allegations about sexual abuse and even whiplash injuries are more serious and difficult matters.

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Re:PPI and sex claims 5 Years ago  
Personally I believe in taking what you need ~ not what you want.
I'm not even tempted to steal from anyone or a shop. I'd never forgive myself

Insurance companies kind of pushed the claims for whiplash and insurance on the whole needs an overhaul.
Comet Electricals used to be the worst for following you around the store and trying to flog insurance with every purchase you'd make.

Just give me my toaster and fuck off!
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Re:PPI and sex claims 5 Years ago  
Oh bugger.

I misread it as PI (personal injury).
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Re:PPI and sex claims 5 Years ago  
I was aware, back in the 90s, of a compensation scheme for miners with some kind of medical condition. This article suggests that 4 billion was paid out, and some solicitors were sruck off for claiming too much. More of the same?
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