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TOPIC: Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland 4 Years, 8 Months ago  
Exactly three years ago, the government in NI collapsed. It was a devolved and shared one.

With the DUP representing the Unionists and Sinn Fein, the Republicans - and the province has been ruled from Westminster since.

This lack of local power has badly affected trade, life and business in NI - and has created more obstacles for Brexit, relating to the border with the Republic.

Post-Brexit, the Republic will remain in the EU; NI will have left as part of the UK.

One of the major bones of contention is the Irish language - which is only spoken in small Republian pockets of NI - and in slightly larger areas in the Republic.

Notwithstanding the scarcity of Irish speakers in NI (a few thousand can speak it), Sinn Fein is insisting on an Irish Language Act - giving the language the same status as English, in NI.

Sadly, this illogical stance will probably stop a government returning to Stormont anytime soon - and maybe, for decades.

Because the Republic gives the Irish and English languages equal status - Sinn Fein feels the same should apply in NI.

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Re:Northern Ireland 4 Years, 8 Months ago  
A draft agreement for a new devolved government has been issued - and, significantly, it doesn't include an Irish Language Act.

Just a recognition of the language - and the right to use it in formal proceedings at Stormont. With an interpreter at hand!

Initial reactions are relatively positive from the DUP - but Sinn Fein is being noncommittal. However, their position has been that an Act must be part of the agreement.

Thus - it remains unlikely that a new parliament will sit before the Monday deadline - which is disappointing, and perverse.

As so few people speak Irish (English is the main language, on the island) - and only one or two of the Sinn Fein politicians at Stormont, can speak it fluently.

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Re:Northern Ireland 4 Years, 8 Months ago  
The only thing I really know about NI is terrorism and the fact planes couldn't fly over it in 1988.
Not sure if it has changed.

JFK family hailed from Ireland .
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Re:Northern Ireland 4 Years, 8 Months ago  
I'm off to eat my hat!

As it's just been announced that Sinn Fein will support the draft agreement.

Notwithstanding the absence of an Irish Language Act - which they were insisting on.

Without a devolved government for almost exactly three years - NI may well have one again.

Even tonight...

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Re:Northern Ireland 4 Years, 8 Months ago  
New Stormont's first meeting will take place at 1pm today, after three years without governance.

DUP leader (Foster) will become first minister - and Sinn Fein will have her deputy (O'Neill). Just like before.

Significant new investment will then take place into NI - for policing, healthcare and social welfare requirements.

NI costs the UK Exchequer over £10 billion annually - more than the £8 billion we paid the EU! This hemorrhaging of cash, is simply unsustainable.

The province is a black hole, in terms of funding, and has little or no industry - whilst strategically managing its position in the UK.

Not long ago - it supported our Tory government - when negotiating Brexit, and received a handsome sum, in return for its disproportionate endorsement.

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