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TOPIC: Versace

Versace 4 Years, 7 Months ago  
Is it pure coincidence that he was killed only several weeks prior to Diana?

It does make me wonder who knew about phone hacking at that time.

Elton did that lovely song for her. It is also reported he does not own a mobile phone. Why?
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Re:Versace 4 Years, 7 Months ago  
Bookworm wrote:
Is it pure coincidence that he was killed only several weeks prior to Diana?

It does make me wonder who knew about phone hacking at that time.

Elton did that lovely song for her. It is also reported he does not own a mobile phone. Why?

Maybe Elton is better at avoiding irritation than most of us?
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Re:Versace 4 Years, 7 Months ago  
I don't know the answers to that Honey. I do know that whilst I am no DH Lawrence, my views and truths are ignored by those who should at least appreciate them.

All of my views and opinions will be found on my own blog in the future.

'I don't want to go on with them like that'.
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